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Protector of Israel
  • Michael is mentioned once in the Old Testament, in the book of Daniel. His name is invoked by the angel Gabriel as one of the "chief princes" who helped Gabriel overcome strong opposition from the prince of the kingdom of Persia. This becomes the basis of later Jewish tradition which places Michael at key points in Israelite history such as the near-sacrifice of Isaac by Abraham, the education of Moses and the rescue of Jerusalem from siege by Assyrian forces.

Leader of God's Armies
  • In the New Testament, Michael is mentioned in the Book of Revelation as the one who led God's angels when war broke out in heaven. This led to later iconic depictions of Michael as the victor over Satan, represented as a dragon.

  • Agent of Healing

  • In Christian tradition, Michael is an agent of healing, and many shrines and sanctuaries for the sick were built in his honor. During the Middle Ages, Michael's intervention was credited with ending outbreaks of the plague.

Bestower of Mercy
  • Christian legends gave Michael the role of custodian of the dead and dying. In this capacity he is said to visit the dying, mercifully giving them a final chance to repent, and to bear the souls of the dead to heaven for judgment.

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11y ago
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13y ago

You write your question as if you feel that St. Michael is no longer with us. Michael the Archangel is still very much with us. He was created by God long before the universe even existed and will never die. All angels are the absolute pinnacle of perfection of God's creation and all are imbued with any possible virtue. There is no way to describe their virtues in human language.

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15y ago

Saint Michael possesses sanctifying grace, powers, and virtues such as: obedience, charity and humility. He is protector to those who call on him and defender against evil.

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13y ago

St. Michael is an archangel and never lived the life of a human.

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9y ago

Are you referring to Michael the Archangel or one of the other saints by that name. Please be specific.

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9y ago

St. Michael the Archangel never lived in the human sense. He is a pure spirit, an angel, created by God.

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Q: What special virtues did St. Michael have?
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