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depends on what wave where you are however if you are on about space it wont travel because of low presser meaning no air force. but on earth sond waves can reach 100000 km

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Q: What speed do these waves travel through a vacuum?
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Do electromagnetic waves all travel at the same speed through space?

Through a vacuum ... yes. Through outer space, which is not quite a vacuum ... not quite, but very very close.

How fast do sound waves travel through a vacuum?

You'd have to say that the speed of sound waves in vacuum is zero, becausesound can't travel through vacuum at all. Not even an inch. Sound needs amaterial substance to travel through.

Is the speed of EM waves as they travel through vacuum directly proportional to the frequency.?

No. The speed is THE SAME for all frequencies of electromagnetic waves.

What type of light waves can travel through a vacuum?

Light spectrum is part of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum. Electromagnetic waves travel better and faster (light speed in vacuum) in vacuum.

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Can light travel in a vacuum?

Yes. Light waves are electromagnetic waves, which do not require a medium to travel through.Mechanical waves (such as sound) do require a medium to travel through, so sound waves cannot travel through a vacuum.Space is a vacuum. The light from the stars (including our own sun) travel across a great distance in a vacuum to get to us.The accepted speed of light is its speed in a vacuum, which is 299,792,458 m/s.

What speed do television waves travel in air?

If the information for television goes through the air, the waves used are electromagnetic waves; specifically of the type called RADIO WAVES.All electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of light when in a vacuum: about 300,000 km/second. In air, the speed is almost the same as in a vacuum.

What is the speed of ultrasonic waves in vacuum is equal to what is the speed of audible sound in air?

No, ultrasonic wave do not travel at all in a vacuum.

Can gases travel through a vacuum?

No. Only light waves can travel through a vacuum.

Do ultraviolet waves travel at the speed of light in a vacuum?

Ultraviolet and visible light waves all travel at the same speed whenever they're all traveling through the same material.

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Do electromagnetic waves travel at the same speed as a vacuum?

They travel faster