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Q: What stage in star development does a star spend most of it's life it's happy state?
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What star stage is your sun in?

Our Sun is in the hydrogen fusion cycle of an average, mid-size, main sequence star. I have no idea what state YOUR Sun happens to be in.

What stage is our sun?

Our sun is at stage 5 and that's dangerous because when our sun becomes a black dwarf in stage 6 because right now it's a white dwarf our sun will die and it'll be the end of the world so right now the best way to avoid that is for President Obama to go to every single state and get people to put them in space shuttles and leave our home and galaxy.

Why is plasma the state of matter that is found in stars but is not common on earth?

Plasma is a very high energy state of matter that is usually only found at high temperatures. Stars are extremely hot, which easily allows the development of plasma. Earth is much cooler, which makes it difficult for plasma to form. Plasma can still be found in lightning bolts and fire.

Can a person be hypnotised while sleeping?

Well anything is possible, one must conclude that if a person can be hypnostized whilst they are awake into a deep sleep:- then all things in the univese being equal which they must be, then of course twould seem to be even easier to thought throw into the already sub-conscience mind than the conscience mind alert and awake. Even while patients are hypnotized on stage they seem conscience and awake and alert at the time but in universal actuallity they are in a deep trans-mendental state of spheric existence, until the hypnostist snaps their fingers and immediately bring s them back into the conscience state of mind. Say a hypnotist choose to hypnotize a person not on stage but to sneek into their bedroom while they are asleep than according to the univesal laws of metaphysics they would be already in a sub-state of hypnosis, thus easier to hypnotize. What do u think though ?

What were Isaac Newtons Achievements?

Newton had accomplished a lot in his life, He had devoted much of his work towards alchemy, theology and history, In 1669, Sir Isaac newton built the first reflecting telescope, During his life he was involved in the development of the calculus, It was then newton had struck the Laws of Motion and the Law of Gravitation. 1. Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it. 2. The net force on a body is equal to its mass multiplied by its acceleration. 3. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

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Arrested development is a state in which development has stopped prematurely.

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From the Free Dictionary, in science, state is'...a condition or mode of being, as with regard to circumstances -- a state of confusion;a condition of being in a stage or form, as of strucutre, growth, or development -- a fetal state;[in Physics] the condition of a physical system with regard to phase, form, composition, or structure -- ice is the solid state of water..."

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