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Johnson was a US Senator from Tennessee where he lived for all of his adult life.

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Q: What state did Andrew Johnson represent for president?
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Who was president when the US purchased Alaska from the Russians?

President Johnson. Alaska was known as Seward's Folly because Seward was Johnson's Secretary of State that negotiated the purchase for the United States.

President Johnsons home state?

Andrew Johnson-Tenessee Lyndon B. Johnson-Texas

Who was president Andrew Johnson's secretary of state?

William H. Seward

Which president also served as a senator and representative from the state of Tennessee?

Andrew Johnson served as a senator and representative from the state of Tennessee. He was later elected as the 17th President of the United States after the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln.

Who was President Andrew Johnson's attorney general?

President Andrew Johnson's attorney general was Henry Stanbery. He successfully defeated the state of Mississippi suit in 1867. Mississippi had sought an injunction to prevent Johnson from enforcing several reconstruction acts.

What state was Andrew Johnson elected from?

Andrew Johnson was from Tennessee.

What states did president Andrew Johnson add to the union?

Nebraska became at state in 1967 while Johnson was President. (He also completed the purchase of Alaska, adding it to US territory to eventually become a state.)

Who purchased the Alaskan territory?

Secretary of State Seward negotiated the purchase. Andrew Johnson was the president when it was made.

Was Andrew Johnson elected more than once as president?

Andrew Johnson was elected presidet but never elected twice.

What was Andrew Johnson before becoming president?

Johnson was a tailor before he entered politics. As a politician he was an alderman, a mayor, TN state representative, a TN state senator, governor of TN, a US Congressman, a US senator and vice-president before becoming president.

What vice presidents were from Tennessee?

At the time they ran for Vice President, Tennessee was the home state of Andrew Johnson and Al Gore.

What two other government officials were chosen for assassination when Lincoln was killed?

Vice President Andrew Johnson was an assassination target. Also targeted was Secretary of State William Seward. VP Johnson escaped his assassin by not being present at the expected time. Seward was knife- wounded but survived.