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Missouri currently has an excise tax of just 17 cents. The lowest in the nation.

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12y ago
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11y ago

probably the US. and how you may ask well just have a small walk around L.A

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Q: What state has the highest cigarette tax per pack and how much is it?
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What is the per cigarette cost on the average?

If you mean per cigarette pack. Then, it depends on the state and year. It differs

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How much is the cost of a pack of cigarette in Ontario?

Anywhere between $7.85 to $8.95 a pack.

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Cigarette Pack Collector.

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Its £35 for a pack of 20 ciggs at Selfridges, Oxford Street, London RD

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Marlboro 72s cost about 3-4 dollars depending on where you are, but all the others probably cost about 4.50 - $7 also depending on where you get them. I personally think Marlboro's are the best cigarette, but they are most likely the highest costing too.

How much money does it cost to buy cigarettes for a pack a day?

It depends on the amount of tax in your area. Taxes on cigarette packs vary between countries, between states in the US, and even between counties in the same state.Find your local tax rate on cigarette packs and multiply it by 365.

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With a lit cigarette?

Will a rat eat a cigarette?

Yes. They do tear it apart and eat some of it. I'm not sure how much can be digested but I've seen cigarette's torn apart and tobacco missing when a cigarette pack was left down near rats.