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Texas has the most counties in the United States, with a total of 254 counties.

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Q: What state has the most countries in the nation?
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What was the first nation state?

Delaware was the first state to be part of the US. If you mean nation state as in countries, San Marino was the first.

What does nation-state mean?

Nation-state is a political reference to countries that share the same form of government. In addition, cultural and historical backgrounds are emphasized within the countries.

What is a State and what is a Nation?

Nation is the society, the democracy, the people, the geography, the environment, and the state manages the rules dictated by the government. State is the country as viewed by another countries, and nation is the country as viewed by its population.

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Which state has the most counties in the nation?


What is the difference between a state and a natio?

A state is the geographical location of a country. A nation is a group of people who feel a connection through their common history, language, culture, values etc. All countries are states, but few of them are nations. Countries are always aiming to become a "nation-state", that is, have their own geographical location as well as a unified people. Japan is a nation-state.

Is a flag a characteristic of a nation-state?

Yes, most nation states have a national flag.

Why isn't Switzerland a free nation?

Switzerland is a free nation. It is one of the freest and most democratic countries in the world.

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Is a republic a state or a country?

Countries are states. __ Could be both. If you want to nitpick and get into political theory: Some countries are referred to as states. Iceland is sometimes referred to as a Nation-State. So some States are republics. And some countries (that are not, by definition a State) are republics. There is a pretty good description of what a nation state is at Wise Geek. They break it down into understandable language if this confuses you still.

What European countries satisfies the definition of nation-state France England Ukraine SwedeN?


How many countries are registered with Red Sox nation?

Stupid It's only the State of Massechusets