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Q: What state has the most lawsuits?
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It depends on the state the collision occurred in - all states have varying SOL's for civil lawsuits.

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Military lawsuits are usually held in federal court. Some cases are allowed to be filed in state court under clauses different to each branch and state.

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What are the difference of statute of limitations for malpractice lawsuits between each state?

It depends on what the laws are in each state. They can vary from 2 years to 6 years, two being the most common.

Who is the chief defender of the state in lawsuits against the state?

The State's Attorney General or a delegate handles the court matters dealing with the State.

Which state has the most civil lawsuits filed?

The best source of data I could find comes from 2012 @ Court Statistics Project website. The data suggests the District of Columbia as having the most lawsuits per capita. If you are looking for an actual state then it would either be Idaho or New Jersey. The difference based on the structure of their legal systems make it not a one for one comparison.

About how many lawsuits have been brought by one state against another?


Can private law suits result in jail time?

I think what you meant is civil lawsuits, with that being said the answer is no. Civil lawsuits which is person to person is usually for damages (money...). When it is versus the state like State vs John Smith then there is jail time involved. In civil lawsuits the plaintiff may ask for for a restraining order though.

Why is no fault ins good for the state?

It prevents lawsuits since neither party is held responsible.

What can a stillborn child's estate do regards to lawsuits?

what can a stillborn cholds estate do regards to lawsuits? In most states, a wrong death and survivial action can be brought to court.