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Q: What statement about Chargaff rules is correct a b c d?
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What statement is correct A. Sodium (Na) and calcium (Ca) are in the same group. B. Sodium (Na) and calcium (Ca) are in two different periods. C. Sodium (Na) and calcium (Ca) are both nonmetals. D. S?

B statement is correct.

If you are O-positive and your mother is B what is your father?

Without further information, the only correct statement would be "he is not AB type".

What is correct about Chargaff's rule for each species A adenine equals guanine B adenine equals thymine C adenine equals cytosine D adenine guanine thymine and cytosine amounts are equal?

in each species the amount of adenine equals the amount of cytosine

What is logically equivalent to the inverse of a conditional statement?

The conditional statement "If A then B" is equivalent to "Not B or A" So, the inverse of "If A then B" is the inverse of "Not B or A" which is "Not not B and not A", that is "B and not A",

What term best describes a mathematical statement of the form if A then B?

A mathematical statement of the form if A then B would be a conditional statement.

What is Inverse statement?

It is what you get in an inference, after negating both sides. That is, if you have a statement such as: if a then b the inverse of this statement is: if not a then not b Note that the inverse is NOT equivalent to the original statement.

What mathematical statement is A then B?

It is a statement of succession.

Write a statement which assigns A to B?

B = A

In the generalized slope-intercept equation of a line the slope of the line is represented as the coefficient of the variable x?

Your statement is correct. y=mx+b when m is the slope and b is the y-intercept.

Which term determines a mathematical statement if A then b?

conditional statement

How can you explain the if a then b statement?

It is a logical conditional statement which states that if some condition, a, is satisfied then another condition, b, must be satisfied. If a is not satisfied then we can say nothing about b.An equivalent statement, in a non-conditional form, is that~b or a must be TRUE, where ~b denotes not b.