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Q: What states are part of the Four Corners?
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What four states touch the four corners?

The four states that touch the four corners are Arizona, Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico. This area is very hot and dry.

What is the driving time from four corners to Durango Colorado?

This is the only place in the United States where four (4) states touch; hence, it is called Four Corners.

Where is the place where the corners of four states meet in Arizona?

The Four Corners Monument is on the Navajo Reservation.

What state is not part of the four corners New Mexico Utah Colorado Nevada Arizona?

Nevada does not have a border at the Four Corners.

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What two states have four 90 degree corners

Which one of the following states is not part of the four corners New Mexico Utah Colorado Nevada Arizona?

Nevada is not one of the 4 corners.

Which 4 states are known as the 4 corners?

The states are not the 4 corners. The "4 corners" is the point where the bordersof four states all meet. The states are Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, and Colorado.

Where is four corners located?

It is located in in the following states: Colorodo, New Mexico, Arizona and, Utah. It is on the corners of those states.

The border of four states Arizona Colorado New Mexico Utah meet at an area called what?

That is called Four Corners, the only place in the US where four boundaries meet in this manner.|

Where in the United states can you stand in four states at once?

It's a landmark called Four Corners, Utah.

Which states is not a state that makes up the Four Corners region?

Fiji counts as a state can does not make up the four corners region

What states are the states that make up the Four Corners?

The four corner states are Colorado, Utah, New Mexico and Arizona.