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What exactly do you mean by privatized? State prisons are, as the name says, run by the state government, NOT the national government. So the answer to your question is No. Privatization is defined as any businesses ownership that is transferred from the public sector (government and state run things) to the private sector.

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12y ago
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10y ago

There are currently twenty-nine states with private prisons. These are:

  1. California
  2. Washington
  3. Idaho
  4. Arizona
  5. New Mexico
  6. Colorado
  7. Wyoming
  8. Montana
  9. South Dakota
  10. Minnesota
  11. Iowa
  12. Oklahoma
  13. Louisiana
  14. Mississippi
  15. Alabama
  16. Tennessee
  17. Kentucky
  18. Indiana
  19. Ohio
  20. Pennsylvania
  21. Vermont
  22. Connecticut
  23. New Jersey
  24. Maryland
  25. Virginia
  26. North Carolina
  27. South Carolina
  28. Georgia
  29. Florida
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Are there private prisons in California?

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Private prisons today have a very simple role: to make money by minimizing costs.

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Private prisons today have a very simple role: to make money by minimizing costs.

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Texas has the most prisons in the United States, with over 100 state prisons scattered throughout the state.

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In the United States, there are several types of prisons. These include federal prisons, which house individuals convicted of federal crimes; state prisons, which house individuals convicted of state crimes; county jails, where individuals are held for shorter periods of time, usually while awaiting trial or serving shorter sentences; and private prisons, which are operated by private companies under contract with the government to house and manage incarcerated individuals. Additionally, there are specialized facilities such as juvenile detention centers for underage offenders and mental health facilities for individuals with mental health issues.

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Is the number of inmates held in private prisons is slowly decreasing?

No, in fact it is increasing dramatically.

Why are there more prisons than universities?

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