

Best Answer

Central and West Africa is the homebase for Conflict or "Blood" diamonds! This covers many states but by searching "Conflict Diamonds" you can see hundreds of hoirs of intel gathered on this subject!

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Q: What states in Africa were involved in blood diamonds?
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What states are the blood diamonds in?

Blood diamonds are not allowed in the states since the Kimberly process went into affect.Another AnswerSeveral countries in Africa are involved in blood diamonds, the sale of which fund terrorism, mayhem and other crimes against humanity.You can read more about the UN position on blood diamonds -- conflict diamonds -- and some of the countries involved, below.

Where did blood diamonds start?


Who does blood diamonds effect?

Blood diamonds mainly affect the people of Africa. The diamonds are used to fund wars and terrorism. Millions of deaths are linked to the blood diamonds.

Economy of west Africa?

West Africa's economy is based around oil drilling and blood diamonds. All diamonds bought and sold in the U.S. are blood diamonds, however, retailers paid high prices to agencies in order to have the "blood diamond" or "conflict diamond" designation removed, as there is a stigma in the United States attached to buying blood diamonds. Oil from Africa is also blood oil, but nobody speaks of this. Native peoples are displaced by Shell in order to get the oil and bribe the government officials.

How many blood diamonds do the US buy?

The United States is not in the business of buying diamonds, blood diamonds, or otherwise.

Where do blood diamonds go to?

65 percent of the world's diamonds come from Africa which is where the issue of blood diamonds is the biggest concern. In the past these diamonds could end up anywhere and no one would know any better. Recently there have been checks and balances put in place to stop the majority of blood diamonds from leaving Africa. Africa, Liberia, Angola, and Sierra Leone are places that blood diamonds are traded for arms or used to fund wars and terrorism.

Who is involved in blood diamonds?

People who trade in blood diamonds are generally criminals, terrorists and others who want to finance mayhem.

Does Africa Sell Diamonds to the US?

Yes they do. Some people refer to them as blood diamonds due to harsh labor conditions in Africa.

What countries support blood diamonds?

Blood diamonds mainly come from Africa, but are also traded in Liberia, Angola, and Sierra Leone. I will add a link to the full article about blood diamonds.

Where are most of the blood diamonds mined?

Blood diamonds come from unstable countries with diamonds in the soil. Notable countries include many countries in West and Central Africa.

How old are blood diamonds?

Blood diamonds -- like all other diamonds -- are as old as earth itself. The phenomenon of blood diamonds -- diamonds used to fund mayhem, terrorism and war -- has a history in Africa beginning as early as 1975. You can read more about each country's history with blood diamonds, below.

Where did the quote about Africa's diamonds came from?

Diamonds that are mined in Africa are usually called blood diamonds. These diamonds are called as such because they are mined from war-torn areas, with the proceeds going to fund terrorist or insurgent groups.