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Q: What step of the machine cycle translates and instruction in the forms at the processor can understand?
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How do you add new machine language instruction to a processor intsruction set?

To add a new machine language instruction to an processor instruction set, you need to replace the microcode of the processor.

What are the four distinct actions that a machine instruction can specify?

• The processor fetches the instruction from memory • Program counter (PC) holds address of the instruction to be fetched next • PC is incremented after each fetch • Fetched instruction loaded into instruction register

What is a micro-instruction?

microinstruction: An instruction that controls data flow and instruction-execution sequencing in a processor at a more fundamental level than machine instructions. Note: A series of microinstructions is necessary to perform an individual machine instruction.a micro instruction specifies one or more micro oprations for the system.

What parameters decide the size of data type for a processor?

Some bits of machine instruction code. Of course it is platform-dependent.

What translates a program written in Assembly language into machine code?

Well, let's say you have the following Assembler statement: MOV AX, 0005 Each processor (depending on the processor architecture, being some of them: SPARC, Intel 80x86, Motorola...) translates each Assembler mnemonic and register into Machine Code according to an Opcode Table. Think of an Opcode Table this way: Instruction OpCode ----------------------------------- MOV A1 ADD A2 SUB A3 MUL A4 DIV A5 ... AX B0 BX B1 CX B2 ... Each mnemonic/register has its corresponding hex code for the processor to understand the operation, so: MOV AX, 0005 Could be translated as: A1 B0 0005 Hopefully this gives you an idea of how a processor assembles code and generates machine code.

What languages do computers understand?

They only understand machine language, which most people associate with binary code. But it's more than just binary digits. A certain sequence of some of them equates to a specific instruction for the CPU to execute. You could see this in assembly language.

What are the Instructions that the processor understands?

programmingans. 2The instructions that a processor understands are known as the Instruction Set.The task of combining instructions to perform some task is known as programming. This is not necessarily done directly. Writing a program by specifying entities from the Instruction Set is called machine code programming if the instructions' numeric values are used, or Assembly Language programming if the instructions are called up by short names called mnemonics. These are both low level procedures, referred to by their users as 'working on the bare metal'.Most programming today is done using high level languages. Here the programmer writes instructions which are often close to english, where one instruction calls for something quite complex to be done. The processor does not understand these instructions. Another program, called an Interpreter or a Compiler, is used to translate the high level instructions into the (low level) ones from the Instruction Set which the processor does understand.

What is the Difference between machine op and pseudo op?

A pseudo-op is an assembly language instruction that specifies an operation of the assembler i.e about the base register & its contents e.g. USING instruction. On the other hand, a machine-op instruction. That represents a machine instruction to the assembler e.g. BR instruction is a machine-op instruction

Timing diagram of 8085?

Timing Diagram is a graphical representation. It represents the execution time taken by each instruction in a graphical format. The execution time is represented in T-states.Instruction Cycle:The time required to execute an instruction is called instruction cycle.Machine Cycle:The time required to access the memory or input/output devices is called machine cycle.T-State:The machine cycle and instruction cycle takes multiple clock periods.A portion of an operation carried out in one system clock period is called as T-state.MACHINE CYCLES OF 8085:The 8085 microprocessor has 5 (seven) basic machine cycles. They areOpcode fetch cycle (4T)Memory read cycle (3 T)Memory write cycle (3 T)I/O read cycle (3 T)I/O write cycle (3 T)Each instruction of the 8085 processor consists of one to five machine cycles, i.e., when the 8085 processor executes an instruction, it will execute some of the machine cycles in a specific order.The processor takes a definite time to execute the machine cycles. The time taken by the processor to execute a machine cycle is expressed in T-states.One T-state is equal to the time period of the internal clock signal of the processor.The T-state starts at the falling edge of a clock.

Why we can't access instruction directly from memory?

The computer can! So if you need to see the instruction, ask the computer to get it and show it to you. The computer can probably even disassemble the instruction before showing it to you, so you can read it without having to understand the numeric machine code.

What is computer and applications of computer system?

computer is electronic machine which understand binary language & the set of logical instruction is called program or application

What is the definition of an ATM processor?

An ATM processor is an Automatic Teller Machine Processor, i.e. a machine that, when you insert a card, gives you means of exchange, or money.