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Q: What steps did the us take to free the Iranian hostages?
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What cause Iran to take american hostages?

I'm not an expert in this, but i know the USA had a lot of influence and control of the Shah (Leader of Iran) prior to the Iranian revolution of 1977 where the people revolted by taking hostages in the US embassy and break this American control. This led to the rise of current Supreme leader Mohammad Ali Hoseyn Khamenei.

What significant events happened on April 30th 1980?

UK Terrorist group takes Iran embassy hostages 5th May 1980 : Six terrorists take control of the Iranian Embassy in Prince's Gate, South Kensington in central London. The terrorists calling themselves the "Democratic Revolutionary Movement for the Liberation of Arabistan" take 26 hostages including the Metropolitan Police constable " PC Trevor Lock" on official protection duty at the main entrance. Their demands included the release of 91 political prisoners held in Iran as well as an aircraft to take them and the hostages out of the UK. The Iran embassy siege ends when SAS storms embassy on May 5th.

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When did Iranian terrorists take Americans hostage in Iran?


When did Iranian students take Americans hostage?

Novembet of 1979.

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extraction is to take something out as in teeth hostages foreign objects etc

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You have to sneak up behind them and hold b.

Does government of Iran recognize US divorces of Iranian citizens?

If you have registered your marriage in the US @ the Iranian Interest Section @ the Pakistani embassy and obtained Iranian certificate of marriage, you should take your divorce papers and notify them of your divorce

Why did President Carter permit deposed Shah of Iran Mohammad Reza Pahlavi to come to the US in 1979 and why did this trigger Iranian militants to take American hostages from the American embassy?

President Carter permited the deposed Shah of Iran Mohammad Reza Pahlavi to come to the US so he could receive medical treatment for cancer. Iranian militants felt this action was the West interfering with their country's business and argued that the Shah should be returned to Iran to stand trial for his crimes against the country.

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