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Q: What steps should be taken to improve the
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To improve a dandruff sitution you should use a simple dandruff shampoo. Ex. Head and sholder dandruff control.

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steps taken to improve the efficiency of cash management

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no meausres

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One of the steps taken by government to improve the quality of education is to offer federal support to help students go to college. The government also institutes testing to ensure that students are learning what they should be, and they initiate programs to help those who need additional help.

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Steps taken to improve your work?

Come early at your work. Be punctual. Be regular. Take interest in your work.

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I enrolled in an online coding course to improve my programming skills. I spent a few hours each week practicing coding exercises and building small projects. By consistently setting aside time to learn and practice, I was able to enhance my coding abilities and gain confidence in tackling more complex programming challenges.

What are three steps taken by Charlemagne to improve technology?

Charlemagne took the following steps to improve technology: (1) Established public works (2) Raised the standards for education (3) Provided jobs in technology

What steps have been taken by the Indian government to increase agricultural produce and to improve conditions of farmers?

by giving him fertilizers

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The steps that should be taken to continue an education in nursing are to go to college and get an undergrad in nursing and then go to postgrad and get a nursing degree.

What steps are taken by the Indian government to clean river ganga?

should makes dams

Are any current actions being taken to improve the chances of survival of the Bald Eagle?

The Bald Eagle's current status (March 2011) is "Least Concern". That means the existing steps will continue with no additional steps taken.