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According t the Hindus, rebirth stops only after the soul has attained MOKSHA ( salvation).

Moksha is achieved only after ever desire of a soul is fullfilled through series of rebirths.

Generally, when a person completes a full cycle of SANSAR DHARMA ( performs the duties of a family man starting from marriage to raising children and taking care of his old parents and being loyal to his wife forever) , he attains salvation.

Unnatural death, premature death, death before marriage or death without getting marriage , not having or not raising children or looking after old parents lead to rebirth.

Gaurav Sengupta.

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Q: What stops the cycle of rebirth for Hindu's?
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Moksha. This can be achieved by gaining good karma through doing good deeds and performing Hindu yoga. It is the release from samsara: the endless cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth. It is the ultimate reality, where you are one with Brahman (God).

What is the escape from the cycle of rebirth?

Life your life positively and dont think about rebirth, is the only way to pop out of the cycle of rebirth. ------------- Eternallyephemeral: I don't think the above answer is answering the question, which is vague itself. If you're talking about the cycle of rebirth in Hinduism (and Buddhism), the escape is called samsara, and escaping the cycle, the body is shed by the soul for a final time.

Do Hindus believe in reincarntion?

yes Hindus believe in reincarnation. they believe that the cycle of birth and rebirth continues till one attains liberation (moksha) through devotion (bhakti) and righteousness (dharma). At this stage one becomes a god-man and after death he is unified with god (brahman - different from Brahma)

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What did the Hindu's want to find?

The point of a hindu life, they believe, is to go through many rebirths and death until they find pure peace, which is moksha, when the cycle of birth and rebirth stops.

Religion that believes in reincarnation through rebirth?

The Hindus belive in this. The Egyptians also believe in this too