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UPS started from a locally-based, land-based, multi-sort-point model strategy. They migrated to an air-based system but retain multiple sorting points in their network. Their culture stresses standards and routine compliance.

FedEx started with a national, air-based, and single-sort-point (Memphis) model strategy. Their culture celebrates unusual individual initiates to provide outstanding customer service.

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Q: What strategies have been employed by Fed-Ex and UPS?
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Can you get all of your mail through fedex?

Fedex doesn't offer this service. There are companies which offer private mail boxes which will allow you to accept all packages from various carriers. (ups,fedex, uspsc, etc). For a few you can have the mail then forwarded to your home address.

How long to get a check from mercer for a 401k loan?

Once you make the request for your loan, it takes 2 business days to process the request. Unless you request otherwise, your check will then be mailed by First Class mail to you, which takes another 2-3 business days. You can, however, request an overnight shipment of the check using a UPS or FedEx account number that you provide to Mercer (call UPS or FedEx first to get this setup). All in all, you're looking at 3-5 business days.

How long does fedex ground take?

Ground can take anywhere from 1 to 7 business days depending on where the package is going to and from. Fedex ground typically takes 10 to 12 days to get to me in central illinois from Salt Lake City, Utah. Why, you ask? Because they sit on it. When I monitor the tracking, I notice that it gets to Missouri and then circles the wagons for another 3 or 4 days. Is it to get you to opt for the 2nd Day delivery? I suppose it depends on where you live, but everything that comes to me via UPS Ground, gets here in 2 or 3 days, so I don't opt for speedy delivery. But some retailers only use FedEx, and I'm FedUp.

How fast can ups deliver?

It depends how much mails Ups is delivering.

Can you send cash money by ups?

No, Cash cannot be sent by UPS.