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Assembly lines are one innovation that have increased efficiency in production.

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Q: What strategy has increased efficient use of production?
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The increased use of machinery in production of goods was seen in the industrial revolution.

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Production adds value to resources that already exist, by creating useful products.

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How do you use efficient?

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Did production of goods increase after the INdustrial Revolution?

Yes, because it became easier to make goods with the increased use of machinery and mass production.

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What are some of the driving factors that contribute to the growth of productivity?

Increased productivity results in a higher standard of living as goods and services are produced in greater quantity at the same or lower level of input. The production of goods and services relies upon the use of labor and capital. Increased capital investments for new and more efficient production equipment can increase productivity by requiring a lower level of labor input to produce the same or greater level of goods. Investments in human capital such as education and training can also result in greater productivity as employees become more efficient at their jobs.