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Q: What strength is muriatic acid used in pools?
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What is the common name for HCl when used to lower pH in swimming pools?

Muriatic acid

Why add hydrochloric acid to a pool?

Hydrochloric acid is most commonly known as muriatic acid and is used to lower pH in pools

What is dry acid for pools?

You can add dry acid to your pool when your pH is above 7.8

What acid are used in everyday life?

Bleach & Chlorine also Muriatic for swimming pools. Hydrochloric acid is usedin digestion of food in human body.

Can you add muriatic acid and pool shock?

Yes you can the muriati acid is used to get the pools pH to between 7.2 and 7.6 then you can add the pool shock as per the instructions.

Are hydrochloric acid and muriatic acid the same?

Yes. Hydrochloric acid and muriatic acid are the same thing. Muriatic acid is just the old name for it and isn't used much anymore.

How does nitric acid differ from muriatic acid?

Muriatic Acid is really just an older name for Hydrochloric Acid. The name (muriatic acid) also gets used more commonly in industrial applications such as brick cleaning and pH adjustment in pools where people are used to hearing called that.

Can muriatic acid be used to acidify lawn soil If so at what concentration?

Muriatic Acid is a dangerous To saying Bisaya

Is Cyanuric acid same as muriatic acid?

Cyanuric acid is not the same as muriatic acid. Cyanuric acid is odorless and white in color. It is used as a component of disinfectants, bleaches, and herbicides. Muriatic acid is clear solution of hydrogen chloride in water.

What do people do with muriatic acid?

Muriatic acid is a dilution of hydrochloric acid. It is used to clean bricks of the lime stains from the mortar that holds them together.

Why is muriatic acid used in cleaning toilet bowls and sinks?

Muriatic acid has a chemical substance that can clean toilet bowls.

Can you use muratic acid to clean dishwashers?

Muriatic acid can be used to clean dishwashers. Muriatic acid is very strong and should only be used occasionally for cleaning the dishwasher.