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The structure that house a eukaryotic cells DNA is known as the nucleus. The nucleus has a membrane that is similar to a cell membrane.

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Q: What structure houses a eukaryotic cell's DNA?
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What analogous structure are blueprints in eukaryotic cells?

DNA is the original "blueprint" in eukaryotic cells.

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Is human DNA built the same as a plant?

The structure & replication process of eukaryotic cells DNA ie in eukaryotic plant and animal cells are same.Human cell is an eukaryotic animal cell, so its structure is similar to the plant cells but the arrangement of base sequence are different.

In a eukaryotic cell what houses the chromosomes?

In eukaryotic Cells, the nucleus houses the Dna.

What cell structure contains the genetic material (DNA)?

genetic material is located in the nucleus for eukaryotic cells and in a "naked loop of DNA" in prokaryotic cells

Describe how eukaryotic cells are able to keep such large amounts of DNA in the small volume of the cell nucleus?

The structure of DNA in eukaryotic cells resembles strands or filaments. DNA exists as chromosomes. Eukaryotic cells are significantly larger than prokaryotes and contain enclosed organelles within their cytoplasm, one of which is the nucleus.

N eukaryotic cells which organelle contains the DNA?

In eukaryotic cells which organelle contains DNA?

Is it true or false that prokaryotic cells contain more DNA than eukaryotic cells?

False. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells both contain DNA, but eukaryotic cells store their DNA in a nucleus, whereas prokaryotic cells have their DNA everywhere throughout the cell.

What is housed in the cell's nucleus?

the nucleus houses a eukaryotic cell's what?a. organellesb. DNA "In eukaryotic Cells, the nucleus houses the Dna."c. ribosomesd. ER.

How are prokaryotic and eukaryotic alike and diffrent?

Prokaryotic cells have no nuclei and eukaryotic cells have a true nuclei. prokaryotic DNA is circular where eukaryotic DNA is linear.

Where is DNA stored in a eukaryotic cells?

DNA of eukaryotic cell is present in nucleus.

What holds the DNA in a eukaryotic cell?

In eukaryotic cells, the chromosomes hold the DNA of an organism.