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Q: What structure of the villus are carbohydrates and amino acids absorbed?
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What happens to the food we eat in the stomach and digestive system?

The proteins are broken down to amino acids and get absorbed. Carbohydrates are broken down to glucose (and fructose) and are absorbed. Fats are broken down to fatty acids and glycerol and absorbed. Minerals and vitamins are absorbed as such.

What is the significance of cho cho chon chonp?

They symbolize the structure of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids.

What two body systems do the villi connect?

The villi connect the digestive system and circulatory system. The villi are connected to blood vessels to allow nutrients to be carried away by the blood. The Villus capillaries collect the simple sugars and amino acids and bring them into the bloodstream. Villus lacteals or lymph capillaries collect the absorbed fatty acids and glycerol and take it to the rest of the body through the lymph fluid.

What nutrients are absorbed in the villus?

Food molecules (glucose,amino acids and some glycerol and fatty acid), minerals (calcium,iron,etc) and vitamins. Most fat are absorbed in a lymph vessel found underneath the capillaries called the lacteal

What do lacteal of the villi do?

In the small intestine most food is digested. The digestive system's organs work to make the food you eat soluble, so your body can absorb the energy (glucose). Once the churned up food is in the small intestine which is covered in villus (like a brush) the microvilli on the villus, to increase the surface area further, absorb all of the soluble glucose. Inside of the villus are capillaries that absorb most of the churned up food. But fatty acids called LIPID cannot be absorbed, so the lacteal running though the middle of the villus absorbs the fatty acids.:) hope that helped?

What are the four macromolecules of life?

The four major macromolecules are proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids.

Each of the villi is lined with capillaries and with a lacteal which absorb?

In the small intestine most food is digested. The digestive system's organs work to make the food you eat soluble, so your body can absorb the energy (glucose). Once the churned up food is in the small intestine which is covered in villus (like a brush) the microvilli on the villus, to increase the surface area further, absorb all of the soluble glucose. Inside of the villus are capillaries that absorb most of the churned up food. But fatty acids called LIPID cannot be absorbed, so the lacteal running though the middle of the villus absorbs the fatty acids. :) hope that helped

Are lipids and carbohydrates nucleic acids?

No, lipids are fatty acids and carbohydrates are sugars. These are both chemically distinct from nucleic acids.

What is the structure of the four Macromolecules?

a. Carbohydrates - energy storage and structural support b. Lipids - energy storage and components of membranes c. Proteins - many functions including enzymes, defense, transport, structure, contraction d. Nucleic acids - information storage, gene expression

What are the 4 main categories of macromolecules in a cell?

Lipids carbohydrates proteins Nucleic Acids

What does lacteals do?

Lacteals are lymphatic vessels found in small intestinal villi. While other nutrients such as amino acids and saccharides are absorbed into the blood stream, lacteals and the lymphatic system are used to absorb fats.

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