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Q: What substance in food that provides energy or helps form body tissue and that is necessary for life and growth?
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How come do the sunlight don't affect the growth of plants?

I'm not really sure what you're saying, but sunlight is necessary to plant growth. It provides the energy needed for plants to convert water and carbon dioxide into glucose and oxygen.

What are Concentrated forms of energy necessary for healthy skin and normal growth?

Adenosine triphosphate. It's the only source of energy for the human body.

What substance is needed ofr growth and other activities of the cell?

Amino acids Water Energy must be present.

Does sunlight affect the growth of a plant in any specific way?

Sunlight influences the growth of plants through a process known as photosynthesis. It gives plants the energy necessary for them to manufacture energy and therefore grow.

Is a substance in food used by the body to promote normal growth maintenance and repair?

A nutrient is needed by the body to promote normal growth, provide energy, repair and more. :)

What basic unit of food is used for energy and growth?

The sun provides light energy which plants use to convert in to chemical energy through photosynthesis. Nutrients from the soil also assist in growth of plants. Animals rely completely on these green plants for their energy. Green plants produce chemical energy (food energy).

How the digestive system connect to muscular system?

The smooth muscle in the muscular system helps move food through the intestines in the digestion process. Also the muscles surrounding your stomach assist by churning up food which helps digestion.

Does muscle milk actually make you gain muscle?

It only provides increased amounts of the nutrients necessary for muscle growth. If you do not exercise, no. You will only get fatter.

Why do living thing feed?

living things feed in order to survive and they feed because food provides them with materials for energy and growth

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what are necessary for the body's maintenace, growth, and repair

What are necessary for the body's maintenance growth and repair?

what are necessary for the body's maintenace, growth, and repair