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Q: What supranational organizations is Iran apart of?
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What supranational organizations is Russia in?

BRIC, United Nations, International Monetary Fund, World Bank, G8, Confederation of Independent States

When was Miss Supranational created?

Miss Supranational was created in 2009.

Was Iran apart of the Holocaust?

No, dont be silly

What is the name of Girl Scouts in Iran?

There are no World Association of Girl Guide and Girl Scout (WAGGGS) member organizations in Iran.

Which country used to be apart of the Persian Empire?


Is the OECD supranational?


What does supranational mean?

Supranational refers to an organization or movement that extends beyond any single nation. Although limited in power, the United Nations organization is a supranational organization. Likewise, many religions are supranational in that they extend beyond national boundaries and may at times function without reference to particular nations.

What organizations are apart of the legislative branch?

In the Federal Government, the Senate and House of Representatives.

Four biggest cities in Iran apart from the capital city?

Shiraz, Esfehan, Tabriz, Masshad

What is great about Iran?

The people, the food, the culture, the weather, the history, basically everything apart from the government.

What is the largest supranational organization in the world?

The united Nations

What is the definition of regulated fishing?

It is a fisheries where there is some kind of governance managing the fish stocks and fishing effort. Governance might be some form of self regulation, but could be by national and supranational organizations also in the form of law and control measures.