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Q: What sweetener contains a significant amount of calcium?
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Does molasses contain a significant amount of calcium?

Yes. Five tablespoons of cane molasses contains the daily requirement of calcium.

What things are found in milk?

First, milk contains a significant amount of calcium. Casein, a type of protein, is also found in milk.

What is the measurement of the amount of calcium and magnesium which water contains?

The amount of calcium and magnesium in water determines its hardness.

What is a iron meteorite?

A meteorite that contains a significant amount of iron.

Earth's atmosphere is unique because it contains a significant amount of?

Oxygen! ^_^

Does butter contain calcium?

There is no significant amount of Calcium present in butter.

What percetage calcium is in dolomitic lime?

Generally dolomitic lime contains 25-30% CaCO3. The amount of any calcium in any lime is standardized to Calcium carbonate, using CCE, Calcium carbonate equivalent.

How much calcium is in organic milk?

One ounce of whole milk contains 34 mg of calcium.

Do cucumbers have calcium?

Yes, but it's a relatively insignificant amount. One cup of diced cucumber contains only two percent of the US recommended daily allowance for calcium.

Does shrimp have protein in it?

Yes, it contains 18 grams of protein per serving.

Is liverwurst full of cholesterol?

Yes. Liverwurst contains a significant amount of cholesterol.

Does wheat have calcium?

That would depend on the cereal. If you want to know if the cereals you eat contain calcium, look at the nutrition facts label. Also, most cereals are eaten with milk, which contains calcium.