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Q: What system allows people to make laws indirectly through elected representatives?
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Related questions

Why is the U.S a representative republic?

Because it allows people to elect it's representives indirectly through other elected officials.

Why is the US is a republic?

The U.S. is a republic, or democracy, because this is the form of government the founding father chose for the country.

Why is it not possible for people to rule directly but through elected representatives?

Representative democracy allows for more efficient decision-making by delegating authority to elected officials who can focus on policy issues full-time. It also ensures that decisions are made by individuals elected by the majority, providing a broader representation of voices and interests in the governance process. Additionally, representative democracy helps protect against the dangers of mob rule or the tyranny of the majority.

What type of government in which a citizen elected group run the government?

A citizen-elected group running the government typically refers to a democratic form of government, where representatives are elected by the people to make decisions on their behalf. This system allows for the participation of citizens in decision-making processes and ensures that the government is accountable to the people.

What problem does the House of Representatives solve?

The House of Representatives solves the problem of representation in government. It provides a platform for elected representatives to voice the concerns and interests of the people in their districts, ensuring that various perspectives and communities have a say in the legislative process. By representing the population, the House of Representatives allows for a more inclusive and democratic decision-making process.

Is politics a boon or a bane?

politics in india is a boon coz it allows to all it's citizens high degree freedom. it's good that power is not with every person but only with elected representatives.

What are facts about about democracy?

Democracy is a form of government where power is vested in the people who exercise it directly or through elected representatives. It promotes equality, freedom of speech, and the protection of individual rights. Democracy allows for peaceful transitions of power through free and fair elections, fostering political participation and accountability.

Identify one power that is unique to the senate and explain why the framers gave the senate that power?

The Senate has the power to confirm or veto the president's Supreme Court, and other nominees. This is because unlike the House of Representatives, which allows representatives based on population size, the Senate allows the same number of representatives in every state, no matter or how large or small are their populations. This stifles any chance of large states being able to push through or veto nominations because their size allows them additional representatives. .

Which statement is true about representative democracy?

people who disagree with the government can generally run for office themselves.

How often the house of representatives stand for elections?

Members of the House of Representatives in the United States are elected every two years. Each representative serves a term of two years before they are up for reelection again. This allows for a more frequent turnover of representatives compared to the Senate, where members serve six-year terms.

How does an author present information indirectly?

An author can present information indirectly through techniques such as using symbolism, metaphors, or allusions. They can also reveal details through character thoughts, actions, and dialogue without explicitly stating it. Indirect presentation allows for deeper interpretation by readers and adds complexity to the narrative.

What does Iron do as a mineral?

its involved in haemoglobin so it indirectly allows the transfer of oxegen around the body.