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Q: What take oxygen during the lung respiration and oxygen gas is dissolved in the blood stream?
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Which has more dissolved oxygen a stream or a lake?

there is more dissolved oxygen present in a stream because the movement and the bubbling of the air allows more oxygen to be ingested

Would you expect a fast moving mountain stream or the Mississippi River to have more dissolved oxygen?

I personally would expect the mountain stream to have more dissolved oxygen, because I know that oxygen dissolves better in cold water.

Where do the reactants from respiration come from?

from the blood stream, both carbohydrates and oxygen.

What is the connection between organisms in a stream and the dissolved oxygen level?

Organisms in streams need oxygen to live when lacking dissolved oxygen it will kill these organisms. edit: unless the organisms in the stream are photosynthetic, in which case they will increase the oxygen levels. however, by far, most organisms in a stream are not photosynthetic and oxygenation occurs solely through aeration and surface area dissolving from the air. so, to answer the question, organisms (most organisms which aren't plant-based photosynthetic organisms) decrease the amount of oxygen in a stream. edit: a flowing stream has turbulence which helps aerate the water, increasing dissolved oxygen. In contrast, stagnant water tends to be low in dissolved oxygen, except near the surface. Multicellular animals (like fish) need a good supply of dissolved oxygen to thrive.

Why is respiration important to animals?

During respiration of animals, oxygen is taken into the blood stream and carbon dioxide is taken from the blood stream. Carbon Dioxide then exits the body through exhalation, whereas oxygen is taken to cells around the body to produce energy. without this all living creatures would die

Where does the oxygen for cellular respiration come from?

Large quantities of oxygen are dissolved in water and make up a large percentage of air. Organisms extract it from these media. The ultimate source of molecular oxygen in the air and water appears to be as a byproduct of photosynthesis in plants and some single-celled organisms.

How does water get dissolved oxygen in it?

water gets dissolved into water by rushing water or rapids if there are trees or brush in the water it will help disolve the oxygen in to the water if there is a waterfall located somewhere in the stream or river that will desolve a lot of oxygen

What are the characteristic of a fast moving stream ecosystem?

look-up riparian

How does the circulatory system work with the respiratory system in the sequence for respiration?

The Respitory system gets oxygen into the Circulatory system that takes the Oxygen, through the blood stream, to other parts of the body

What carries oxygen through your blood stream to different parts of your body?

Haemoglobin in your red blood cells carries the oxygen through your blood stream to different parts of your body. The carbon bi oxide comes dissolved in red blood cells as well as in plasma.

What bodies of water have more dissolved oxygen?

Bodies of water that are well-oxygenated, usually have higher levels of dissolved oxygen. These include rivers and streams with fast-moving water, as well as colder water bodies like lakes and oceans. Additionally, bodies of water that are heavily influenced by algal blooms or photosynthetic processes tend to have higher dissolved oxygen levels during daylight hours.

Where do the raw materials of cellular respiration Come from?

from the blood stream, both carbohydrates and oxygen.