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Stretching...and maybe painkillers?

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Q: What takes away stiff muscles after exercise?
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Why do a human being perspire a lot when doing a lot of exercise?

When we exercise, our muscles generate heat. Perspiring stops us overheating. When sweat evaporates off the skin, it takes away excess heat, which cools us down.

Does exercise lead to weight loss?

Actually... Exercise leads to being fit. When you exercise your muscles get ready for work. Exercise causes the muscles to become more active in general and when they get into that state they naturally need more nutrients. Being FIT leads to weight loss. While pounding away on a treadmill for 30 minutes may not burn many calories, it DOES cause the muscles to start getting serious. You'll burn extra calories for a few hours after exercise, so in effect the answer is, "yes". But it takes an indirect route.

How does exercise make you skinny?

if I'm correct it is that you work your muscles and the fat dissolves away and you are skinny. my question is where did the fat go.

Do hamster go stiff when sleeping?

No they only get stiff if they pass away

Why do your legs sometimes feel sour or stiff the next day after exercising or playing?

When you exercise to the point where you cannot inspire oxygen fast enough to deliver oxygen to your cells, your body starts creating energy (in the form of ATP) by anaerobic respiration as opposed to aerobic respiration. A by-product of anaerobic respiration is lactic acid, which causes pain to muscles. Over time the 'oxygen debt' is repayed and the lactic acid and the pain will go away. Some of the pain may also be attributed to the small tears that occur in muscles after a hard work out (this is natural), and will also go away as the muscles rebuild.

How long does your period go away for?

It takes a while but trust me it would go away soon because exercise is the good thing to do when you do not wanna have a bloody period.

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A relaxing manipulating massaging person that carms there muscles down and relax's there brain and takes away frustration and fear

What is antidote for haldol?

Benzotropine or Cogentin is prescribed by psychiatrists to treat Parkinson's Disease like side effects such as stiff muscles. But the benzodiazepine called Clonazepam or Klonopin takes away the bad feelings or inner tension and torment from Haldol rapidly. Unfortunately psychiatrists are usually unwilling to prescribe Klonopin to treat side effects of antipsychotics such as Haldol.

How come some dogs are stiff when you hold them?

Dogs go stiff when they die due to a process called rigor mortis, a condition in which the muscles temporarily stiffen after death. But dogs are not the only ones that go through rigor mortis. Any animal that dies gets it too, including humans. As the muscles decompose a bit, hours to days later, depending on the temperature, the muscles become soft again. That's why steaks aren't stiff.

What is the antidote for haldol?

Benzotropine or Cogentin is prescribed by psychiatrists to treat Parkinson's Disease like side effects such as stiff muscles. But the benzodiazepine called Clonazepam or Klonopin takes away the bad feelings or inner tension and torment from Haldol rapidly. Unfortunately psychiatrists are usually unwilling to prescribe Klonopin to treat side effects of antipsychotics such as Haldol.

Why there is stiffness of joints after fracture?

A person that has a fracture will usually have a cast for a few weeks. After the cast is taken off, the joints will feel stiff. This is because the muscles have not been moving as much as they did before the fracture. With therapy, the stiffness will go away.

Why does your face go red during exercise even though the sympathetic nervous system is activated which should divert your blood away from the skin and to your muscles instead?

The control of blood flow during exercise is more complicated than at first glance. At lower intensity exercise or at the start of exercise one of the main problems is heat. The blood carreis heat from the core to the skin allowing it to escape. During exercise heat would build up to dangerous levels is this system wasnt in place. However after more time the requirement of the muscles for oxygen outweighs the need to remove heat and so the blood flow to the skin is cut preserving more to flow to the the muscles.