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Q: What takes up most of a muscles cell volume and is the contractile component of a muscle cell?
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What is a contractible unit of muscle?


What are the muscles involved in changing the volume of the thorax during breathing?

There are several muscles that are responsible for breathing. They are the Diaphragm, the external intercostal muscle, and the internal intercostal muscle.

Does Aerobic exercise strengthens the heart body and lungs.?

Aerobic exercise improves the ability of the heart to supply the rest of the body with blood by increasing the volume it can pump. The heart as a muscle does not get stronger from this type of exercise, rather it becomes more elastic and the volume of blood it can move increases. The lungs have no contractile muscle fibers themselves but they are attached to your diaphragm which is a muscle and can be exercised and strengthened like any other one.

Why does a belly of a muscles bulge when it contract?

Because the muscle is a set volume. It can't become bigger or smaller, but It can be long and slender or short and stubby. Both these shapes take up the same volume.

Function of intercostal muscles?

Intercostal muscles are muscle between two ribs in our chest region. The constrict to lift ribs and increase the volume of rib cage. Increasing the volume the low air pressure attract air in lungs. So we respire by relaxing these muscles we expire the air out.

How much muscle mass do strength training programs add?

If your goal is muscle building; you should add slightly more volume to a traditional strength program. Adding the extra volume will provide enough stimulus to your muscles to induce muscle growth. A good guide line is to aim for 25 or more reps for an exercise.

What muscles are used for expiration?

The primary muscle used in active expiration is the diaphragm (it relaxes from its contracted state to decrease the volume in the lungs, forcing air out). Internal intercostals, the interosseous portion, will assist by pulling the rib cage down.

How do your muscles hypertrophy?

Muscle hypertrophy (growth) occurs as a result of muscle stimulation such as through strength training. Testosterone, amino acids and substances like creatine helps in the process. With progressive overload in training, one can achieve measurable gains to muscle mass and volume.

Is volume a component of density?


Why does the belly of a muscle bulge when contracted?

Because the volume of the muscle has to stay pretty much the same. It can be either long and slender or short and stubby. It's like having two bricks - you can either stack them on top of each other or lay them out in a row. The volume stays the same anyhow.

Why the volume of television called volume?

Volume is an old audio and music term, and its use in TV is merely carried over from radio. It only applies to the sound component, not the video component.

Largest component of air?

The larges component of air - is Nitrogen (approximately 79 % by volume).