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If people didn't have a strong ruler all people would be in chaos.

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Q: What taught that people need a strong ruler to maintain order?
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Who taught that people need a strong ruler to maintain order?

Daoism or Laozi

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maintain social and political order

Which philosophy taught that people need a strong ruler the maintain order?

The political philosophy of absolutism teaches that people need a strong ruler to maintain order. This philosophy believes in centralized authority and the concentration of power in the hands of a single leader to ensure stability and prevent chaos. Leaders in an absolutist system are often considered to have divine right or absolute power.

Which enlightenment thinker taught that life is brutish and societies need strong rulers?

Thomas Hobbes taught that life is brutish and societies need strong rulers to maintain order and prevent chaos. He believed in a social contract where individuals would give up some freedoms in exchange for protection and security from a powerful government.

How do people maintain order amongst themselves in mexico?

people maintain themselves by working harder.

Why did people develop laws?

to maintain order

What thinker believed that all people are naturally selfish and wicked?

Thomas Hobbes believed that all people are naturally selfish and wicked, advocating for strong central authority to maintain peace and order.

What beliefs was generally held by the delegates to the constitutional convention 1787?

a strong central government was necessary to maintain order.

What belief was generally held by the delegates to the Constitutional Convention of 1787?

a strong central government was necessary to maintain order.

What does maintain social order mean?

how people live togather

How religions can help maintain order in a society?

religions can help maintain order in a society by bringing the people of the society together under a common belief.

What word Thomas Hobbes beliefs on people and government?

Thomas Hobbes believed that people were inherently selfish and driven by self-preservation. He argued that in order to avoid chaos and conflict, individuals needed to submit to a strong central authority, or government, that could maintain order and protect their interests.