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The Celts are known for their advanced metallurgical techniques, particularly in ironworking. They also developed sophisticated agricultural methods such as plowing and crop rotation. Additionally, they were skilled in crafting intricate jewelry and creating elaborate designs in art and architecture.

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What technology do Celts use?

The Celts used a variety of technologies, including iron working for tools and weapons, weaving for textiles, pottery for household items, and woodworking for construction. They also developed advanced agricultural techniques, such as crop rotation and irrigation. Their knowledge of metalworking allowed them to create intricate jewelry and metal art.

Did the incas invent sunglasses?

The Inca civilization did not invent sunglasses. The earliest evidence of sunglasses dates back to 12th century China. The Inca civilization, located in South America, did not have access to the technology or materials required to create sunglasses.

What did the Celts make houses out?

The Celts used a variety of materials to build their houses, including wood, wattle and daub, and thatch. These materials were readily available in the regions where the Celts settled, and their houses were often round or rectangular in shape with conical roofs.

What are the physical characteristics of Celts?

Celts were known for their tall stature, with men averaging around 5'9" and women around 5'5". They typically had fair skin, light hair, and blue or green eyes. Additionally, Celts were known for their elaborate tattoos and intricate jewelry.

What gemstones did the Celts use most?

The Celts used a variety of gemstones in their jewelry, with some of the most popular ones being amber, jet, and quartz. They also valued minerals like garnet, amethyst, and gold for their adornments. Each stone often held symbolic meaning and significance for the Celts.