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The internet has played the biggest role in changing the way modern Americans gather information and share knowledge with others. It has revolutionized the way we access news, research topics, connect with others, and share our thoughts and ideas on a global scale.

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Q: What technology played the biggest role in changing the way modern Americans gather information and share knowledge with others?
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Is information technology a strategy or need?

Information technology is both a strategy and a need. It is a strategy because organizations use IT to achieve their goals and gain competitive advantages. At the same time, it is a need because IT has become essential for businesses to operate efficiently, communicate effectively, and adapt to the ever-changing business environment.

The significance of information and communication technology to the students towards developing a world class graduates?

Information and communication technology empowers students with access to a vast array of knowledge and resources, aiding in their academic and personal development. It also enhances communication and collaboration skills which are essential for success in the professional world. By mastering these skills, students are better equipped to become world class graduates who can adapt to the rapidly changing demands of the global workforce.

What is the thesis technology and the internet?

The thesis that technology and the internet have revolutionized the way we live, work, and communicate. These advancements have connected people globally, transformed industries, and facilitated rapid access to information.

What are characteristics of information technology?

Malay ko ba! haha

Why is it necessary for staff to use relevant information technology?

Staff need to use relevant information technology to improve efficiency, accuracy, and productivity in their work. It helps streamline processes, access up-to-date information, and collaborate effectively with colleagues. Using IT also allows staff to adapt to changing business needs and stay competitive in the market.

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Information technology can be a high pressure business because of the rapidly changing technology. Keeping up with all of the changes can cause stress.

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Is computer programmimg a form of information technology?

Yes it is. Information Technology is a phrase that encompasses a vast array of areas that are PC driven. Whether that be programming, networking, web development, or databases, Information Technology covers these areas. A good area to see what covers Information Technology (IT) is at many universities, where they have courses that cover just this. Have a look at the courses offered and you will see that the word "Information Technology" covers an ever changing array of PC related items.

Why does the modern classification system keep changing?

because some organisms no longer fit into a category

How did advances in technology change wegner's hypothesis?

The way the advances in technology are changing Wegener's hypothesis is because we can now collect information and data on the Tectonic Plates. Without the technology we have now, we would know hardly anything about why the plates.


well education curriculum is just the knowledge and information that schools and teachers are required to include in classes and homework. So revised curriculum is just changing the information that has to be taught.

How is technology changing?

Technology is changing the culture in so many ways. One way technology affects culture is by bringing people together. People can talk to others thousands of miles away due to technology.

What are the types of information and communications technology?

Information and communications technology (ICT) is constantly changing. ICT combines telephones, computer networks, and audio visual networks to give the consumer a better experience when making phone calls, using the internet, or watching television.

How is technology changing culture?

Technology is changing the culture in so many ways. One way technology affects culture is by bringing people together. People can talk to others thousands of miles away due to technology.