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None. The "ice volcanoes" on Lake Michigan were not true volcanoes. They formed as a result of waves crashing into ice on the lake and fountaining spray thtough holes. Some of this water froze around the hole, forming something that superficially resmbled a volcano.

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Q: What tectonic plates were involved in the eruption of the Michigan ice volcanoes?
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Related questions

How are tectonic plates involved in causing earthquakes and volcanoes?

the tectonic plates shake under the earth causing earthquakes

How do volcanoes hold their blast?

Volcanoes don't erupt for even 100s of years. They hold the magma just still until some tectonic plates activate the eruption.

Do tectonic plates cause earthquakes and volcanoes to happen for the same reason?

The movement of tectonic plates are almost always the cause for earthquakes and volcanoes, although the actual quake or eruption may occur long after the underlying movement. Earthquakes are sudden shifts in the crust, when built-up stress along rock faults is released. The magma for volcanoes is formed of rocks that melt when they are pushed deeper into the Earth by tectonic forces.

Why would a volcanic eruption be most likely occur in the state of Washington?

There are several volcanoes in Washington, a few of which have already had eruptions in recorded history, most famously the 1980 eruption of Mount St Helens. Washigton's volcanoes are a result of the Cascadia Subduction Zone, where two of Earth's tectonic plates collide.

Anthracite coal relationship to earthquakes and volcanoes?

Coals are formed by burial and metamorphosis of peat deposits. In this process, many of the volatiles are driven off, and left is a 'pure' carbon. Earthquakes are caused mainly by the movement of tectonic plates. Volcanoes are caused by the eruption of magma from the mantle. So volcanoes are associated mainly with the movement of tectonic plates; but not vice versa. Anthracite has little to do with either.

Are volcanoes in the center of tectonic plates?


Why do earthquakes and volcanic eruptions frequently occur in the same area?

because a volcanic eruption happens after an earthquake

Where do volcanoes mostly form?

Volcanoes usually form where tectonic plates meet.

Can volcanoes be cause by spreading tectonic plates?


Where do volcanos not form?

Volcanoes form on the ring of fire on the tectonic plates in the Atlantic Ocean so if you go further and further into the Atlantic Ocean there won't be volcanoes. And also on places that are miles from tectonic plates there won't be any there either. Just think if you were to go to a tectonic plate boundary there would be volcanoes now say you go 40 miles away from the tectonic plate there probably won't be volcanoes.

What do tsunami and volcanoes have to do with earthquakes?

When an Earthquake occurs that is when the ground shakes to create a tsunami or volcano eruption.

Why are no volcanoes found in certain parts of world?

Volcanoes are only found on the edge of tectonic plates & they can also be found on cracks in the tectonic plates which is un-common