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Any temperature that exceeds 85 degrees, regardless of the humidity warrants caution. In the wild, bunnies would dig a hole to find a nice place to cool down. A pet rabbit in a hutch cannot do that. Consequently, rabbit hutches should never be located in direct sunlight. The outdoor bunny hutch should be located in a cool, shady spot. Place an outdoor thermometer near your rabbit hutch out of direct sunlight. Check the temperature on warm days. If the temperature in the shade exceeds 80 degrees, it is wise to find a new location for the hutch, or place a giant shade umbrella above the hutch to reduce the temperature. Continue to monitor the temperature. When necessary, place a frozen water bottle (Save a couple of 2 liter soda bottles per rabbit, rinse them out, and fill 3/4 full with fresh water- freeze) next to the bunny in the hutch. On excessively warm days that exceed 85 degrees, have an indoor cage available for placement in a basement, large crawl space, or your air conditioned garage. Move the rabbits temporarily and place them back in the hutch that evening after sunset. Remember to keep the rabbit's water source clean and full. Hot weather will mean more frequent water changes. Signs of heat stroke include panting or heavy labored breathing, lethargy, and wet mouth around and under the chin. It is extremely important to keep rabbits cool during hot summer temperatures. If you find your rabbit exhibiting signs of heat stroke, gently wet it from head to toe with tepid water. Place it on a cool wet towel (so that its tummy is touching directly on the wet towel) in a quiet, stress-free location out of the heat until it stops panting. Mist the ears with cool water or hold a cool, wet washcloth gently to its ears. If you cannot get the temperature and breathing under control, it is time for an immediate trip to the vet. By the same token, if it is excessively cold outdoors, rabbits will not do well either. Cover the hutch with a tarp during the night or relocate the hutch to a sheltered area out of the wind for the winter.

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Where do rabbits want to live?

Rabbits love to live inside. You can buy a cage from your local pet store. you can make it an indoor pet or an outdoor pet. my rabit is an outdoor pet and it lives in a metal cage that i made myself. i let it inside sometimes and it romes around.