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Canned food is a modern-day convenience that can take away the headache of worrying if food is going to spoil. This is because the food is in a sealed metal can that keeps out sunlight and microbes that might want to set up a colony and feed on your sustenance. Before the invention of canning, people had to be very careful about what kind of food they had around, and for how long. As long as you store your canned food properly, you can keep them almost forever!

Step 1: Proper Storage Conditions

Your cans should be stored in someplace cool and dark. Also, the temperature of where you are going to be storing your canned food shouldn’t fluctuate very much, and ideally should stay between 68 and 78 degrees Fahrenheit. This means you shouldn’t keep the cans out in the garage during a hot summer, or during a cold winter for that matter. You may think that leaving them in the garage during the winter would be ok, but you don’t want to run the risk of the cans exploding if they freeze.

Step 2: Condition of the Cans

When you purchase your cans, and after you’ve had them for a long time, it’s important to check them to make sure they are not dented, bulging, rusted or leaking. Also, when you first get them, it’s a good idea to label the cans with the date you purchased them, so you can more easily judge how long they’ve been in storage if they’ve all become jumbled and out of the original order you put them in. From time to time, you should check on your stock of canned food to make sure they are still in good condition.

Storing cans can get out of hand really quick, but as long as you properly label them and keep them in a consistently cool environment, things should be okay. You’ll also be confident that you will be able to use the cans to prepare meals with confidence and convenience.

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Q: What temperature should home canned foods be stored?
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they should be stored in the correct temperature so the food does not get contaminated When storing goods in a cooler ensure that cooked foods are placed above any uncooked meats. This avoids cross contamination should there be any drips/leaks. Cover all foods and don't leave foods in the cans they came in once opened.

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well i would say that it would be mac and cheese.

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Once opened, canned foods should not be stored in the can - even if refrigerated. Store the unused soup in a clean container, then seal and refrigerate. Use it within a day or two.

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for the canned products are the only treatment of having botulism