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Q: What temperature to carmalize lactose?
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Is alpha lactose is more soluble than beta lactose?

Lactose is a disaccharide that consists of a galactose unit and a glucose unit bonded together with a β glycosidic linkage. The glucose unit can exists in one of two isomeric hemiacetal forms as well as in a free aldehyde form. The isomeric hemiacetal forms, beta and alpha lactose, are anomers because the hemiacetal hydroxyl group gives diasteromeric products at the anomeric carbon. Alpha and beta-lactose are able to change back and forth because of mutarotation, which is the change in specific rotation. The rate of this interchanging is influenced by a number of conditions including: the concentration of lactose, the temperature and the acidity, or pH, of the milk. At room temperature, the ratio of isomers is about 40% alpha to 60% beta. The solubility of the two anomers is temperature dependent and therefore the equilibrium concentration of the 2 forms will be different at different temperatures. At room temperature (70°F, 20°C) the equilibrium ratio is approximately 37% α- and 63% ß-lactose. At temperatures above 200°F (93.5°C) the ß-anomer is less soluble so there is a higher ratio of α- to ß-lactose. The type of anomer present does not affect the nutritional properties of lactose.

Does coke have lactose in it?

Cola is lactose free it has no lactose it has glucose in it !

Why are cookies not as sweet after baking?

Some flavors are lost a bit through the baking process, and some of the sugars carmalize and change tastes and forms.

What is the purpose of lactose in the macconkey agar?

to differentiate between the lactose fermented bacteria or non- lactose fermented bacteria

How do you carmalize bananas?

I dunno, u could put it on a pan and set the temp 4 300 *F and cook till it looks hot and caramelized? ?????????

Should lactose intolerant individuals consume a diet with no lactose in it?

Lactose intolerant individuals can consume lactose, but it must be consumed in moderation.

Which enzyme converts lactose to glucose and lactose?

Lactase is the enzyme that breaks down lactose.

Is P vulgaris a lactose fermenter?

No Proteus Vulgaris does not ferment lactose

What chemical reaction does lactase catalyze?

Acetal formation (glycosidic linkage) between glucose and galactose by condensation reaction.It can also be seen as dimerisation of two monosaccharides (Glu + Gal) to one disaccharide(Lactose is: β-D-galactopyranosyl-(1→4)-D-glucose)