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Q: What term describes movement at a joint towards the midline of the body?
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What synovial joint moves the appendage towards the midline of the body?

ball and socket

What does the Pectoralis move?

Pectoralis moves the shoulder joint. It has a sternal and clavicular end , it helps in shoulder joint adduction, cross arm adduction and overhead. Adduction movement means bringing the shoulder towards midline

How does a joint move during adduction?

Adduction means to move an arm or leg toward the midline. The midline is the center of your body. The joints that allow this are ball and socket joints and so they also have to turn towards the midline.

What is an example of joint adduction?

Adduction- rowing Abduction- gymnastics

What type of joint movement occurs when a muscle moves a limb toward the mid line of the body?

Abduction is when a body part moves away from the midline.

This type of joint allows side to side movement and up and down movement?

There are six joints that have movement. The plvotal joint is what allows up and down movement.

The medial rotation is the movement of which joint?

The medial roataion is the movement of Glenohumeral joint .

Which part of joint describes the shoulder joint?

Ball and Socket joint

What is the joint action during the eccentric phase of a biceps curl?

A concentric movement would be flexing the elbow and curling a dumbbell towards the shoulder, an eccentric contraction would be the opposite movement ie bringing the dumbbell back down towards the thigh.

What joint provides omnidirectional movement?

A saddle joint provides the closest to omnidirectional movement.

When the angle of a joint increases it produces movement Which type of movement is it?

To increase the angle of a joint is extension. To decrease the angle of a joint is flexion. (plato users the answer is A.)

When lifting a cup to your mouth what is the joint movement?

You are using the hinge joint at the elbow. The movement is flexion.