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Q: What term describes the system of trade by which slaves were brought from Africa to the Americas?
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What was the route of african slaves?

From Europe, they brought textiles, run and manufactured good to Africa. From Africa, they bought slaves or simply took people and made them slaves, and brought them to the Americas. From the Americas, the Europeans brought back the sugar, tobacco and cotton.

What was the most inhumane part of the triangular trade?

The middle passage was the most inhumane part of the triangular trade, where enslaved Africans were transported from Africa to the Americas in inhumane conditions. They were packed tightly into ships, with many dying from disease, malnutrition, and poor treatment during the long and treacherous journey.

People who worked as slaves on sugar plantations in the Caribbean brought to the Americas from what continent?

people who worked on the sugar plantation who were brought to the Americas were brought from the continent of AFRICA. signed : WESLEY ISAACS

Were most of the slaves who were brought from Africa to the Americas brought to the area that would become the US mainland or were they brought to the Caribbean islands instead?

Africa. West African slaves were brought to the West Indies from the sixteenth to the nineteenth centuries.

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How indian slaves were brought to South africa?

Did the majority of slaves brought to the Americas from 1500 to 1870 came to Brazil?

The majority of slaves brought to the Americas from 1500 to 1870 came to Brazil

What caused African slaves to be brought to the Americas?

What caused African slaves to be brought to the Americas was the demand for cheap labor. They replaced indentured servants.

Who brought all the slaves to America?

The Slaves initially arrived in the Americas because of the slave triangle, this was where the Europeans, travelled to Africa and took the Slaves to America, after which they returned to Europe completing the triangle.

What part of the triangular trade brought slaves t o the Americas?

slave triangle starts from britain then to africa and finally america

Why were Africans brought to the Americas?

to work as slaves in farms

Why did Europeans bring people from Africa to the Americas?

to be their slaves

Where did the Europeans go to get slaves to take to the Americas?
