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parental generation
parental generation

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Parental generation

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Q: What term did MEndel used to signify his true breeding first gneration?
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What term did Mendel used to signify breeding first generation?

parental generation

What term did Mendel use to signify his first true breeding?

parental generationparental generation

What term did Mendel used to signify his true breeding first-generation?

parental generation

What did Mendel use to signify his true breed first generation?

parental generationparental generation

What Mendel's first experiment crossed true-breeding plants with different versions of the hereditary factor for a trait. best describes Mendel's results?

Tt and TT were the genotypes of the true breeding plants that Mendel used in his two factor cross.

Was the first person to see the pattern in the inheritance of traits?

Gregor Mendel

Describ Mendel's first set of experiments?

Mendel's first set of experiment is to study pea plants!

First to discover that genes were inherited traits?

Gregor Mendel

There is a word in the English language which the first two letters signify a male and the first three letters signify a female and the first four signify a great man and the whole world a great woman?


How do you explain Mendel's Law of Dominance?

Mendel's Law of Dominance - The first law of Mendel states that "In a cross of parents that are pure for contrasting traits, only one form of the trait will appear in the progency" Mendel's Law of Dominance-When two pure breeding organisms of contrasting characters are crossed,only one character of the pair appears in the F1 generation.this is known as the dominant character(example:tallness).the other unexpressed or hidden character is known as the recessive character(example:dwarfness).

What was the result of the first gemeration of pea plants that Mendel bred?

The first generation of of pea plants that Mendel bred were tall.

The theory of inheritance was first proposed by an Austrian monk named?

Gregor Mendel is the father of genetics.He found the inheritance using pea plants.