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Q: What term is defined as a person whose last marriage ended the death of his or her spouse?
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What rights spouse have after death of the other spouse if the home was purchase before marriage by one spouse?

Depends on the will

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After a spouse passes away is the surviving spouse still considered married?

In most civil marriages, the marriage celebrant says "till death do you part". So I believe once death divides the marriage, you are no longer a married person. If marriage is to endure beyond the grave, God's authority must be needed for this to happen. A civil marriage celebrant doesnt have the authority to bind two people beyond the grave, only in this life.

Is affair a wake up call or a death knell for a marriage?

Often it is a wake up call that something is missing your marriage either by your spouse; yourself or both of you. Marriage takes hard work and some marriages end up with one; both spouses having affairs and if they truly love each other marriage counseling does help and since both of you took your marriage vows you need to realize people are just human and if this is a first affair then the marriage is still worth saving. However, if the spouse continues to have affairs then it is the death of the marriage.

Is a will still valid in the state of PA after a new marriage?

Yes. It is valid until the person makes a new will. That's why when your circumstances change - with marriage, or death of a spouse or divorce, or the birth of children, you need to review your will and see if it still does what you want it to do. There are many instances in which a person has gotten divorced, and then remarried, and then died - but the person's will still names the ex-spouse. The legal presumption in this case is that the person did not make a new will because he did not want to change it.

Does the catholic church recognize a fourth marriage?

Yes, but only if the first three were declared invalid by the church or the marriage ended due to death of a spouse

Change of life event?

A qualifying life event change is defined as a change in your status due to marriage, birth or adoption of a child(ren), death of an immediate family member, divorce, loss or gain of insurance coverage by your spouse, or termination.

Can the same-sex spouse of a Canadian partner get their Canadian social security upon the death of that spouse?

There is only one kind of marriage in Canada and it is open to everyone. If an opposite-sex spouse can get the benefit, then a same-sex spouse can get it too.

Nh common law marriage surviving spouse rights?

New Hampshire recognizes common law marriage for purposes of probate only. In other words, they recognize a common law marriage at the time of the spouses death to ensure the surviving spouse can receive the inheritance with no issues.

What rights does a person have in the property when the spouse has a life estate?

A life estate gives the spouse the right to possess and use the property during their lifetime. The spouse has limited rights to alter the property or pass it on in their will, as the ownership reverts to the remainderman upon their death. The remainderman has a future interest in the property and will gain full ownership upon the spouse's death.

When and why should a will get revised?

After a birth, adoption, custody being granted of a minor child, marriage, death of a spouse, civil union

How many years must you be married to receive spouse pension benefits after death?

The length of marriage required to receive spouse pension benefits after death varies depending on the specific pension plan. In some plans, eligibility may depend on the number of years married, while in others, the spouse may be eligible regardless of the length of the marriage. It is important to review the specific requirements of the pension plan in question.