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Q: What term is used for the moment when the groups that make up political parties are rearranged?
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In a two-party political system what is the term for the moment when the groups that make up each party are rearranged?

Realignment people's party is the term for the moment when the groups that make up each party are rearranged.

What political parties are in charge of your country at the moment?

I come from china

In a two-party political system what is the term for the moment when the groups that make up each party are rearrange?


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What do groups norms express about a group at any given moment in the groups history?


How did the first party system begin?

It began from the first moment that the constitution was written. There were two groups of thinking about how government should be run. The Federalist and Anti-federalist. The federalist thinking was that a strong central government was needed to be able to be successful and the anti-federalist thought a weaker federal government was important. Of course, over time these groups became the political parties. George Washington thought political parties were bad and discouraged them while he was president, but when you have groups of people there will always be division on thinking. Thomas Jefferson once remarked that with 2 people you have a law firm and 3 make a political party. I think he is right.

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it developed a movement of return to the homeland among the Jews in the diaspora. groups were formed that later turned into parties. a vacuum as created by the departure of the british, it was the right moment to seize and the state of israel was created.

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The Saskatchewan Party is the party in power at the moment.

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When we apply external magnetic field, the orbital levels of electrons are rearranged themselves. Final vector sum of the orbital moment along the direction of magnetic field gives van vleck contribution.