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Q: What term means to act of obtaining something by force threat or persistent demands?
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The act of obtaining something by force threat or persistent demands is?


What does threat mean?

Threat is a sign of something bad, an indication that something unpleasant or dangerous is going to happen. Somebody or something likely to cause harm

Do highwaymen have any famous sayings?

One famous saying associated with highwaymen is "Your money or your life." This phrase captures the essence of their criminal demands during robberies, emphasizing the threat of violence if the victim does not comply with their demands.

What is considered a threat?

Intent and Capability

Is threat an adjective?

No, it is a noun (something potentially harmful, or a threatening comment) . But it can be a noun adjunct in terms such as threat level or threat assessment.

What the threat of ozone?

Ozone is not a threat to humans at atmosphere. It is something which protects us from UV radiations.

Is it a threat if you say something about an event that already occurred?


What is the antonym for the word threat?

A threat is something that is dangerous and harmful, or a communication of intent to harm. The antonym of threat would be safety or reassurance.

What is threat for a spell or something in World of Warcraft?

Threat, or Aggro, is a caused by dealing damage, healing a player that has caused threat or using a spell or ability that generates threat. The creature, in most cases, attacks the player with the highest threat.

Something that makes a situation intolerable?

threat of nuclear explosives.

What is the threat of something that may overthrow the authority in a nation?

The threat of something overthrowing authority in a nation is a potential revolution or uprising that could lead to the destabilization of government structures and the breakdown of law and order. This could result in social unrest, violence, and political instability.

Is it a threat when parents tell child if you do not come see me something will happen?

As threats go that one is terribly vague, but yes, it is a threat.