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Another jack russel. Anything else would make a mixed breed mutt.

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Another Jack Russell

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Q: What terriers are in Jack Russells?
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Related questions

When do Jack Russells stop shedding?

Jack Russell Terriers do not stop shedding. Period.

Are Jack Russell terriers hard to handle?

Jack Russells are like hummingbirds on speed. How patient are you?

What is the best mouser dog?

Cairn Terriers, Fox Terrier, jack Russells, Australian Terrier, and Rat Terriers are all good mousers

How old do Jack Russell terriers get?

Jack Russells can live up to 15 years or older. No, Jack Russells are one of the longer living breeds, aging up to 17/18/19, sometimes even longer.

Where did Jack Russells come from?

I believe they came from England. All terriers exept for the Schnauzer come from England. The Schnauzer is from Germany

Are Jack Russell Terriers good in apartments or condos?

If the apartment or condo is small then no. Jack Russells are very hyper little dogs and need lots of space to run around in. I have one and she is very hyper. So Jack Russells arent really good in apartments or condos.

Why do farmers like Jack Russells?

because jack russells are good at pest control

How many babys do Jack Russells have?

None, Jack Russells are dogs, they have puppies not babies.

Do all Jack Russells have webbed feet?

yes i have 2 jack russells and both of them have webbed feet.

What do Jack Russell terriers hunt?

Birds,squirrels,ground hogs, fox, most small animals actually.

How long does Jack Russells live?

Usually above 13 years. I have a Jack Russell that is 14 years old and still going really well. They live longer that most dogs, for a small dog.

What do Jack Russells drink?
