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Q: What tests are there to show that starch is broken down to a reducing sugar?
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What does iodine and Benedict's test indicate?

Iodine tests for the presence of starch. It is brownish yellow in color if there is no starch present, and bluish black if starch is present. Benedict's solution is used to test for the presence of a reducing sugar, changing from its usual color blue to green to brick red if reducing sugars are present. No reducing sugar solution stays blue.

Does starch contain reducing sugars?

The Fehling's and the Benedict's Test are the just two of the many tests conducted in identifying reducing and non-reducing sugars. Reducing sugars like the monosaccharides can reduce cupric hydroxide from the reagents used. This is because the reducing sugars have a free oH group at their anomeric carbon that can cause the reduction of mild oxidizing agents like fehling and Benedict solution.In non reducing sugars this oH is involved in glycosidic bond formation.

Would it be possible to measure reducing sugars present in foods before and after treatment with an enzyme?

Yes, there are many tests for this, you may want to test for starch, which is adding iodine solution and seeing if the food goes black, which means that there is starch, which is a sugar :) xxx

What is the color of a solution when starch is added?

Benedicts tests for the presence of monosaccharides. It will turn a yellow to red color if it is a positive test, but it does not so starch does not contain monosaccharides. ...Actually..... If starch is heated at 250 degrees Celsius, it breaks down into sugar! a saccharide! The intense heat denatures the the starch and transforms it into sugar. Also, if you have starch and amylase ( enzyme found in your saliva) and heat that to 37 degrees Celsius, you will also get a sugar, but in the form of glucose!

Would raffinose react with benedicts reagent?

Benedicts reagent tests for reducing sugars, so the question is, is raffinose a reducing sugar. Raffinose is a trisaccharide made up of glucose, fructose and galactose. It is not a reducing sugar because all of its anomeric carbons are bonded, so it will not react with benedicts reagent.

What organic molecule does iodine test for?

They test for carbohydrates. The Iodine reagent tests for starch. The Benedict's reagent tests for small sugars. Most carbohydrates are are made of sugar, and starch is a type of carbohydrate.

What are the food tests for starch?

Iodine turns blue in the presence of starch.

What is in Iodine solution?

It tests for starch

What indicator tests for starch?


What is Iodine solution?

It tests for starch

Is glucose stored as starch in potatoes?

Since onion is a vegetable, sugar is stored in form of starch.

How would the result be affected If a student places a sugar cube into one of the unknown solutions in the experiment?

From my previous lab, i'm assuming it's the same, there are 4 tests: monosaccharaide, starch, lipid, and protein. If a sugar cube is to be placed into the unknown solution and then tested by the 4 tests, there would be NO affect: * Note: Some will think that placing a sugar cube into the solution will change the results of the monosaccharaide test, but there won't be. Remember, the monosaccharide only tests positive in the presence of a monosaccharaide, but sucrose is a DISACCHARIDE, so there will be no affect. As for the other tests, they are indicators of starch, lipids, and proteins, again, nothing else. Therefore, sugar has no affect on the results whatsoever.