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If you had bleeding at four weeks pregnant it is possible that you were not pregnant at all, you just had a period. Even if you were pregnant tests may show nothing as very little hormone would have been produced and it would soon disappear.

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Ultrasound and they also usually perform a D&C to make sure no remains are left so you will get infections.

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Q: What tests do doctors do to make sure you are not pregnant after a miscarriage?
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How can you know if you got pregnant after a miscarriage 3 weeks ago?

at-home pregnancy tests are pretty much all you can do. Otherwise, i don't know about if your doctor will let you, or insurance coverage, but i have heard of people going to the lab at the hospital to see what their HCG levels are and those levels can tell you whether your pregnant or not. Usually they send you to get these tests after a miscarriage to make sure your body expelled everything and your body is getting back to normal levels. I hope this helps :)

If you are 7 weeks' pregnant with a urinary infection why would you have a little bit of bloody discharge?

First of all, you need to make sure you got to the doctors asap, because a urinary tract infection can be hazourdous to the baby. The bleeding would also worry me. I am now 9 weeks pregnant and I have had a miscarriage before and it was what I thought was "spotting", but it was indeed a miscarriage. So the BEST thing for you to do would be to go to the doctors and get both of them checked out just to rest assure the baby is ok.

Does a month pregnant easily get miscarriage?

From what I understand most miscarriages happen prior to entering your second trimester. Miscarriages are somewhat common, many doctors stating 1 out of 5 pregnancies end up in a miscarriage. It is usually not due to anything you did but natures way of ending something that wasn't meant to be. Also, remember that many of these the pregnant women don't even realize they had a miscarriage and mistake it for their normal monthly period. I had a miscarriage at 4 weeks and my doctor told me it was not uncommon and that a previous miscarriage will not make me more likely to miscarry again. Be positive and good luck.

Im pretty sure im pregnant but all the home tests you take say no could that be because im still taking birth control and would it make you keep having your period?

Well if you think you are pregnant you should stop taking birth control and go have a blood test done. The birth control could cause birth defects or even a miscarriage. The tests could be coming up false because of the birth control... but the only way to find out is go to the doctors and get a blood test done.

Can you still get pregnant you throw away already?

Not sure what you mean by "throw away already" but if you mean you had a miscarriage or abortion you should still be able to get pregnant. Miscarriage is very common, about 30%, and abortion does not make you sterile.

Can you get pregnant after a miscarriage if you didn't have a dilation and curettage?

Yes, you can get pregnant after a miscarriage if you didn't have a D&C. Most women do not need a D&C after miscarriage.

I rode mild roller coaster at 4 weeks pregnant Should I be worried if I have had a previous miscarriage?

I am sorry you have already had a miscarriage. Riding the rollercoaster is not going to make you have miscarriage. If you DO miscarry it is nothing to do with the rollercoaster. Good Luck.j

Which food to prevent when pregnant?

There is no food that make you have a miscarriage or abort. You have to see a doctor for that. If you have no doctor you can visit womenonwaves or womenonweb.

Is there any risk of incomplete miscarriage due to self-induced miscarriage by massage?

If the miscarriage is incomplete, then you should go to the doctor to make sure that you are still pregnant and if so the doctors can help you with any decision that you make. Good luck and God Bless:) You cannot self-induce a miscarriage by massage. The uterus is far too well protected inside the pelvis. Attempting to induce a miscarriage by any means is extremely dangerous (and may be fatal) and illegal. Edited to add: Illegal?? I don't think so. No one investigating our miscarriages just yet, at least the last I checked. Any attempt to self abort is illegal whether you get investigated or not.

If its been a week after a miscarriage and you take a pregnancy test and it comes back positive are you be pregnant?

Not necessarily. The hormones that make a pregnancy test read positive stay in your body for a little while after a miscarriage.

You are 6 wks pregnant and had a miscarriage yesterdayToday you feel OK and there was never any heavy bleedingDo you have to go to the hospital?

If you were certain that you were pregnant and certain that you had a miscarriage, then it is always a good idea to have yourself checked by a medical professional, just to make sure everything is really O.K.

Can provera abort a 2mos pregnant?

Depo-Provera is not used as an abortifactant, but if given to a woman who is pregnant, it can cause miscarriage. That is why a doctor will make you take a pregnancy test before they will prescribe it to you.