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Q: What the constellations you see in the southern hemisphere in summer?
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Which constellations can you see in the summer?

In the northern hemisphere the constellations on the meridian on June 21 have a right ascension of 18 hours, and constellations from 15 to 18 hours can be seen in summer evenings. They are not as bright as the winter constellations. The main ones are Boötes (main star Arcturus), Corona Borealis, Serpens Caput, Libra, Hercules and Ophiuchus. In the southern sky, Scorpio (main star Antares). In the summer the circumpolar constellations like Cassiopeia, Ursa Major, Perseus and Draco can be seen although not in their usual winter positions.

Why can we only see the constellations in the north of the celestial sphere?

This is true if you live in the northern hemisphere. You can't see the southern stars because the bulk of the Earth is in the way. Different constellations are visible in each hemisphere, a constellation in the northern sky can be difficult or impossible to see from the southern hemisphere of the Earth, and vice versa. The reason is that the axis of the Earth's rotation is fairly constant. In its annual journey around the Sun it generally points in the same direction; people in the northern hemisphere will generally see the same constellations year round, and the same in the southern hemisphere. Those living near the equator see some of both. The tilt of the Earth's axis also makes some constellations somewhat seasonal, because of a slight change of the viewer's angle to the night sky.

Which of the 88 constellations of stars will you never see viewing from 40 degrees N latitude?

One is The Southern Cross "Crux" which is the smallest of the constellations.

What weighs the most-- The Northern Hemisphere or The Southern Hemisphere?

southern hemiphere Because there is more land. Look up a map of the world and you will see that the Northern Hemisphere has the largest land mass,,,,not the Southern Hemisphere... Question is still open...

Do constellations appear the same in the northern and southern hemispheres?

Imagine a sphere floating in the middle of your room. Divide that sphere into southern and northen hemispheres, and place imaginary little people on both hemispheres. The ones on the top will be able to see the roof, but not the floor (at least not all of it), and the ones on the bottom will have te reverse situation. The earth is the same... but there is no roof and no floor, just different stars and galaxies distributed in the universe, and therefore, different constellations visible. The fact that the earth also rotates explains why you can see all the "walls", but never all regions of the "floor", when you are in the north

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Can people in the southern hemisphere see the same constellations as people in the northern hemisphere?

No. One of the better known constellations in the northern hemisphere is the big dipper. People in the southern hemisphere can't see this. In the south the well known constellation is the southern cross, and you can't see this in the northern hemisphere.

Do you see the same constellations as those who live in the Southern Hemisphere?


Why cant you see the Orion constellation in the summer?

You can see it in summer - if you're in the southern hemisphere. However, in the northern hemisphere, Orion is near or behind the sun in our summer.

Why can't Orion be seen in the summer sky?

that is because the constellations are stars and they move, why dont u see it in the summer sky , because that is the time that you are faced away from the constellation ( in your geographical location)

Which constellations can you see in the summer?

In the northern hemisphere the constellations on the meridian on June 21 have a right ascension of 18 hours, and constellations from 15 to 18 hours can be seen in summer evenings. They are not as bright as the winter constellations. The main ones are Boötes (main star Arcturus), Corona Borealis, Serpens Caput, Libra, Hercules and Ophiuchus. In the southern sky, Scorpio (main star Antares). In the summer the circumpolar constellations like Cassiopeia, Ursa Major, Perseus and Draco can be seen although not in their usual winter positions.

What year can you see the constellation Centaurus?

It can be seen every year, like all constellations can be. It is best viewed from the southern hemisphere.

Why can we only see the constellations in the north of the celestial sphere?

This is true if you live in the northern hemisphere. You can't see the southern stars because the bulk of the Earth is in the way. Different constellations are visible in each hemisphere, a constellation in the northern sky can be difficult or impossible to see from the southern hemisphere of the Earth, and vice versa. The reason is that the axis of the Earth's rotation is fairly constant. In its annual journey around the Sun it generally points in the same direction; people in the northern hemisphere will generally see the same constellations year round, and the same in the southern hemisphere. Those living near the equator see some of both. The tilt of the Earth's axis also makes some constellations somewhat seasonal, because of a slight change of the viewer's angle to the night sky.

Why do we see only one side of the moon at all times?

why when it is summer in the northern hemisphere it is winter in the southern hemisphere

What is the best Season to see Sagittarius?

The Summer in the Northern hemisphere or the Winter in the Southern Hemispheres.

Why can't the Orion be seen in the summer?

Orion can be seen in the summer - if you live in the Southern Hemisphere. Remember, if it's Winter in the Northern Hemisphere, it's Summer in the Southern Hemisphere. By the time it's Summer in the Northern Hemisphere, our planet is on the other side of the sun. Which means that Orion is up during the day and the sunlight makes it impossible to see.

Which constellations may be seen during summer nights in the Northern Hemisphere?

During summer nights in the Northern Hemisphere, one can see Lynx, Ursa Major and Minor, Auriga, Draco and several other constellations looking north at the night sky. At the south, sky gazers can find Virgo, Libra, Centaurus among others.

Southern constellation closest to the sun?

There are many constellations visible in the night sky in the southern hemisphere. What you see will ultimately depend upon your location and the season. Those that are southern circumpolar constellations can be seen all year round. Southern Circumpolar Constellations: Apus, Chamaeleon, Circinus, Crux, Dorado, Hydrus, Mensa, Musca, Norma, Octans, Pavo, Triangulum Australe, Tucana, Volans