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A fact is something that is known for sure, like "My hat is green". A hypothesis is a guess like "if I melt ice with salt, it will melt faster".

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Q: What the difference between a fact and a hypothesis?
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What is the difference between a hypothesis and an opinion?

a hypothesis is a scientific word for prediction. An opinion is something someone says that is not a fact.

What is difference between hyphothesis and prediction?

Really, there is no difference except for the name, and the fact that a hypothesis is a bit more formal.

What is the difference between a null hypothesis and a research hypothesis?

The null hypothesis is the default hypothesis. It is the hypothesis that there is no difference between the control group and the treatment group. The research hypothesis proposes that there is a significant difference between the control group and the treatment group.

What is the difference between a hypothesis and a working hypothesis?

The difference is that working hypothesis is that your still working on it but the hypothesis that your not working on it.

What is difference between a hypothesis and a scientific hypothesis?

A scientific hypothesis has to be testable.

What is the difference between hypothesis and inference?

A hypothesis is a statement of fact or belief upon which further conclusions can be drawn. An inference is the meaning that I attribute to someone else's statement or action.

What is the Difference between hypothesis and hypotheses?

Hypothesis is singular, while Hypotheses is the plural of Hypothesis.

What is the difference between hypothesis and experimentation?

A hypothesis is a guess of what the outcome of the experiment is. An experimentation is where you test that hypothesis.

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