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The effects of baby dumping can be devastating. The show a negative side of humanity. Leaving babies in dumpsters, bathrooms, or other places to fend for themselves or to die shows lack of judgment on a small demographic of mothers.

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Q: What the effect of baby dumping?
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How does poverty contribute to baby dumping?

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Can rubbish dumping effect plants?

Yes, dumping can effect plants in a number of ways. (Especially illegal dumping) When someone improperly disposes of toxic or harmful material, some effects can be that plants might mutate, since the minerals they receive aren't normal. They can also die of this cause. This mutation can also be passed to the plants' offspring, and so on and so on. This is just one of the many ways why illegal dumping is...well...illegal.

What is baby dumping?

Baby Dumping is a social crisis and it refers to mothers abandoning or discarding a child younger then 12 months in a public or private place with the intent to dispose of it. A lot of women resort to baby dumping as an option for giving birth to unwanted babies. The main reasons for baby dumping will be teenage pregnancies, poverty, and father's denying paternity.Pregnant teenagers experience problems during and after childbirth and often feel neglected and isolated, ashamed to go to school while pregnant or after giving birth, in most cases this leads to illegal abortions or baby dumping because they are not emotionally ready to be parents. Poverty is also another reason that leads to women neglecting and abandoning their babies. Poverty is the inability to satisfy one's basic needs because one lacks income to buy services or from lack of access to services. If mothers live in extreme poverty they think that they wont be able to provide for their child and support it so at times they resort to dumping their baby. Father's denying the paternity of the baby can have a very devastating affect on the mother. The fear of the mother is that of being unable to take care of the child alone, thus resulting to dumping the baby.

Why does dumping waste effect people?

Dumping waste affects people because it pollutes the earth. There is only one Earth and the more full it gets of trash, the more polluted it will be for our children.

What would be the effect dumping sewer water into rivers or the ocean?

it will polute the plants and animals near the water...

What environmental effect are to see from the dumping of e-waste?

global warming for one and the poisoning of our water suply

Where can I go to get some information on gastric bypass dumping?

Gastric bypass dumping is a negative side effect of gastric bypass surgery. Dumping occurs when food passes to quickly through the small intestine. will give more info.

What are the types of dumping?

1. Persistent dumping 2. Sporadic dumping 3. Predatory dumping

What is bypass dumping and how can it effect me ?

Bypass dumping is something that can only happen to patients who have had stomach bypass surgery. It means that after the surgery you have to avoid sugar as much as possible in all forms, or you will have side effects such as diarrhea, dizziness, excessive sweating, among others.