

What the meaning of puggle?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: What the meaning of puggle?
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Is the puggle a good dog to have?

depends on what the puggle's personality is AND what your personality is.

How do you make a puggle on mutt maker?

A beagle and a pug makes a puggle.

What is the difference between a puggle and a pocket puggle?

Well a puggle is bigger then a pocket puggle.So the difference is that the

Is there a breed of dog called a Puggle?

A puggle is a mix between a pug and a beagle.

Is a Puggle a good puppy to buy?

Yes a puggle is a awsome dog and it loves children

How is a pug and a puggle alike?

A "puggle" is the designer name for a cross between a pug and a beagle. Strictly speaking, a puggle should retain half of the characteristics of its pug parent.

Is Jojo a good name for a puggle?

Sure, it's very cute and fun to say. "Jojo, you puggle, you!"

Are puggles ok to be around ferrets?

That depends on how big the puggle is. If the puggle is to big it will probably eat the ferret.

Are puggle hypoallergenic?


What dogs make a puggle?

A pug and a beagle mix makes a puggle. Wonderful dogs both of the breeds are lovable and playful.

What rhymes with puggle?

well, puggle rhymes with juggle, and if you watch harry potter, there's muggle. and theres also smuggle.

What are the two breeds of a puggle?

The two breeds of a puggle are Pug and Beagle, but there are really muts.Muts are a combination of two dogs and not full breeds.