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probably a 50 gallon tank would be best.

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Q: What the smallest size fish tank can a mimic octopus live in?
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Related questions

Where do mimic octopuses live?

The mimic octopus lives in it's caves so sometimes it can retreat

How long can the mimic octopus live up to?

2days then this dynamite substance is triggered and it causes a huge explosion like BOOM Mimic Octopus guts everywhere.

Fish that mimic fish?

There are many fish that mimic other fish for protection. Many types of surgeon fish or tangs as a juvenile mimic different types of large angelfish for protection. There are also a few file fish that mimic the Toby puffer since the puffer is poisonous. Certain types of Cuttle fish mimic the female cuttle fish when they are juveniles to gain the ability to live in a larger male's territory with out being killed or run off.

Where do mimic octopi live?

Please note that the plural of 'octopus' is not 'octopi'. It is 'octopuses', or if you want to be really pedantic, it's 'octopodes'.

What are small fish that live in the Ocean?

the smallest fish that live in ocean is tiny goby

Where in the ocean does a flapjack octopus live?

they eat small crabs and they eat about every thing all the other octopus eat

What is the octopus gathering food habit?

they pray on live fish suck them in and then push them into their mouth

Is a octopus a mammal or a fish?

The octopus is an invertebrate, therefore it cannot be a fish, which belong to the group of animals known as vertebrates. The octopus is a mollusc, and from the same group as squid and cuttlefish.

All about octopus?

More than one Octopus is Octopi. They have eight legs. Eat fish. Live in the ocean. Those are only the basics though.

What are some animals that live in the ocean?

Sharks, fish, jellyfish, octopus, starfish, squid, crab, etc.

Strange animals that live under the sea?

Megamouth sharks oar fish dana octopus squid

What animals live in the benthic zone?

Some are the Monk fish, Jumbo Octopus, or animals that live on the bottom of the ocean.