

Best Answer

nerves , lymph nodes , fossi , long bone , two bone toghather , 14 phalanges , 3 main joints

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Q: What the upper limbs and lower limbs have?
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List the name of the long bones of the upper and lower limbs?

your arms are the upper limbs and your legs are the lower limbs :)

What is the function of the upper and lower limbs?

locomotion which means movement.

Why are the bones of the lower limbs larger and heavier than upper limbs?

Because they have evolved (or were designed, whichever you choose to believe) as to be the primary weight bearing limbs, so they have to be more sturdy to do that job than the upper limbs.

What does extreme mean?

An "extremity" refers to your limbs (arms and legs). Lower extremities are your legs; upper extremities are your arms.

Why are biceps and triceps useful in football?

You can not run without moving your upper limbs in contra lateral positions to lower limbs. (Try to run with upper limbs tied to your body.) Importance of running in football needs no comment. Also imagine the goalkeeper not using his upper limbs!

How many bones are in the upper limbs and the lower limbs?

Upper limbs= Scapula, clavical, humerus, radius, ulnar, 8 carpals, 5 metacarpals and 14 phalanges Xs 2= 64. Lower limbs= Coxal, femur, patella, tibia, fibula, 7 tarsals, 5 metatarsals and 14 phalanges Xs 2= 62.

What are the component of the appendicular skeleton?

The appendicular divison (126 bones) consist of the pectoral girdle, upper limbs, pelvic girdle, and lower limbs.

Why upper limb flexion and lower limb extension in a stroke?

The key to understandis the red nucleus situated in the mesencephalon. These bilateralnucleiinfluence onlythe upper limbs increasing, if working properly, the muscular flexor tone. Strokes sparing the brainstem, and so the red nuclei,will cause upper limb flexion.By contrast, lesionsinvolving the red nucleus or itsprojectionswill cause upper limb extension. The lower limbs are not affected by the red nuclei. They undergo just the control of the cortex, that normally inhibits the extensor tone of the lower limbs. A stroke blocking this control will cause lower limbs extension. Depending on the location, different results are so expected.

What is the portion of the body that includes the upper and lower limbs?


What is the function of the hipbone?

Hip bone transfer the weight of the upper body into the legs, by connecting spine to the lower limbs

Which component of the skeletal system is made up of the upper and lower limbs and the pelvic and shoulder girdles?

The appendicular skeleton is what makes up the limbs as well as the shoulder and pelvic girdles.

What are four division of body?

For the purposes of anatomy the body is divided into four divisions. These divisions are known as the head, the torso and the upper and lower limbs.