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In the health field, it took many years and deaths before doctors recognized that they were causing deaths by not washing their hands and changing their clothing as they moved between patients.

Another was the concept that the earth was round and not flat.

The theory that the sun rotated around the earth also took quite some time to prove wrong.

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Q: What theory took a very long time before proven?
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Does a theory have to be true all the time?

Not at all. That it hasn't been proven is what makes it a theory. Once proven, it becomes a law.

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When the theory withstands the new discoveries and proven correct by new instruments over the long time, it is considered

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A theory, when proven over time, can become a law. Example: Law of Gravity and Theory of Evolution

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No. A theory is a hypothesis that has been proven time and time again, with every piece of evidence poiting to its correctness. A myth is a story, often from long ago, taht attempts to explain a phenomenon in spiritual or, well, mythological ways.

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A theory is never truly "proven" correct; data can be found time and time again that supports a hypothesis, which may then become a theory, but a theory doesn't really graduate to something else if it "seems" correct. Theories are always being modified as new advancements are made. "Law" (like the law of gravity) is a dated term that essentially equates to a theory in modern science.

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Why do scientists revise theories?

By definition a Theory is nothing more than an unproven idea, and therefore until it becomes proven (and a Fact) is subject to change as more information about the area of study becomes available. Until it can be proven 100% of the time (e.g. Gravity) it will remain a Theory, and no matter how sound will be subject to revision until it can be proven 100% of the time.

What is the difference between a scientific law and a scientific theory?

A scientific theory is a theory that explains the scientist's observations, whereas a scientific law is a repeated pattern in the world that we have not sought an explanation for.Also, a scientific theory is proven correct in this time, but may not be correct during future times.

A theory is a hypothesis that has been proven true?

No. It can never be "proven" true. It's always open to question, and to any demonstration of its failure.But after time goes by, and no evidence has been presented to demonstrate that the hypothesis fails, and the hypothesis has made predictions that were confirmed by experiments designed to test them, then the hypothesis may be elevated to the status of a theory. But it's still waiting to be debunked.Interesting that a theory can be dis-proven in a day, but can't be proven in a thousand years. That's Science.